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New member
May 9, 2013
Tomorrow I'm scheduled for my 1st therapy, worried about the pain had a bad day today, its been cloudy and raining my whole body is on fire from pain.
sorry to hear your in such pain. I hope that your therapy went well for you even though your body is racked with pain. Sometimes worrying about appointments and our jobs, can make us tense and that makes the muscle pains bad. Try to take some time to relax. No it is not easy because the biggest share of us that have fibro, are people that get stuff done. We get on a roll and things are done like clockwork, and right on time and done right. That is until fibro takes over and pain sets in and we just can't run like we used too. Then we have to move slower and plan to take more days to get the chores done.
I hope you can take some time out for yourself and relax. I hope tomarrow is a better day then today. :)
I agree, when we get stressed and worried I think it makes everything ten times worse. Then the pain gets worse and it is harder to function. Then things do not get done as smoothly as they should. It seems to be a viscious circle sometimes. I know it is so hard to not worry and get stressed out. But sometimes we really have to learn to breathe and in my case I pray. I know it calms me down a bit, and although it does not take pain away. I do feel more at peace, and my day does tend to go better.

I hope your therapy goes well, and maybe it will help ease some of your pain. Wishing you well Gforce.
I hope that your PT was helpful and that your pain has decreased. I actually find that sometimes I feel better after PT. I might initially have more pain but then have a few days of feeling better.
I hope everything went well and you are doing much better! :)
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