i too have tinnitus - with no obvious, known cause - I had extensive hearing testing done and they could find no reason/explanation for it... except possibly the hypothyroid issue... it has gotten worse over time, just like my TSH has climbed higher & higher, slowly, over time... but i also know that correlation does not translate to causation, so... who knows..
Maybe, if I can get they thyroid issue to optimal levels and the tinnitus goes away, then I have an answer, but until that happens.. i do the best i can to ignore it (hard to do some days)
I also believe some of my gut issues are related to eating first ibuprofen, then naproxen sodium, like candy over the years to cope with carpal tunnel issues, and other aches & pains - taking the stuff every day, just to get thru the day when i was working, even tho it really did not help that much.
Now, I only take my thyroid meds, and the L. D. naproxen* for prescribed meds, and on really bad days, i might take some arthritis formula Tylenol - but it has to be pretty bad to take that (they are flippin horse pills & hard to swallow for me, lol).
For supplements, i take my Vitamin D, and after labs tomorrow, there might be one or two more added, depending on test results, but that is it.
I tried all the "standard" meds and none really did me any good, some even making things worse - in some ways, i am glad of that, but in others, i am a bit disheartened.. I wish there was an easy "fix", but i know that is never the case.
* not sure how much longer i will take that one - I spoke with my pain management person about possibly upping the dose one more step and she was amenable to that, but if doing so does not help, i may just ask to discontinue.. not a big fan of taking pills just to take pills (if it isn't helping, then why bother?)