I went to urgent care the other day because I have horrible reactions to cold sores. Never had one before all of the Fibro stuff started but for the last 11 years, I get one about every 6 months while on medication to suppress. When it happens I get wide spread swelling and pain. This time was worse. I got a fever and the pain was so much more intense then I am accustomed to. My head felt like an overfilled basketball, busting at the seams, my body felt like I had an all over Charlie horse, my jaw was swollen to the point I couldn't open my mouth very wide and there is an area that I believe is the lower facial nerve that becomes inflamed. So, this is what I am trying to communicate to the doctor but attempt to simplify it because there are so many different factors. Mind you I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in the same clinic the urgent care was in. That is why I went there. Anyway, I tell the PA I have fibromyalgia. She rolls her eyes and sighs. I tell her I am in pain. She dismisses me. I tell her that I am in so much pain that suicide had come to mind overnight while I was laying there with a fever. She doesn't say anything. Just looks away and presents body language consistent with 'I don't have time for this'. I loose it! I tell her about her dismissive attitude and bullshit. I am not calm about it. I am sure everyone in the waiting room could hear me. I tell her I am leaving without treatment. She tells me she believes the swelling and wants to give me steroid treatment. Against my better judgement, I stay because I am not really in a great place to be driving myself around town to get treatment. She tells me to open my mouth to look at my throat. Then gets frustrated with me when I can't get it open very far. She jams her finger into the facial nerve and gets snotty with me for wincing, "I have to examine you" she says. She then proceeds to tell me that there may be an underlying condition. "You know there are some viruses that cause this kind of reaction". No F**king S**t, really? "You mean like Ebstine Barr", I said. She feels like we have common ground and launches into a whole discussion until she looks up from her paper to see my face staring at her with a look of distain. Did she really think that in 11 years, thousands of dollars and numerous doctors, they hadn't looked at that yet? Could she have possibly been that arrogant? You're a flipping PA and you think you have answers that I haven't gotten yet? Oh, I was beside myself. I am still very upset about it. It all took place on Tuesday and I just can't stop obsessing. How could anyone treat another human like that? I have had doctors that don't agree with the diagnosis. I understand. They can't test like they can for others. I get it. We can talk about the issue another way. They (the doctors) are the ones that gave me that name for my collection of symptoms. I didn't choose it and I am not always convinced it's right but it's what I have to work with. How the hell are we supposed to communicate with people that won't listen? Additionally, what the hell actions can we take when this type of issue occurs? I don't ever want to experience this again. I don't want anyone else to ever have to go through this. It is dehumanising.