Pain in old injuries

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It's difficult knowing how to treat nagging pains as they mount up. After the usual rest, hot / cold compress, Iburfen gels etc I stop using them as months later it still hurts and can be aggrivatiing tending to one spot while sore in others. Typical of our morning routine after a wash and getting dressed I'm wiped out, sore and grumpy. Chronic left bicep pain is irritating and I'm not sure what to use next after Ibugel and Tiger Balm not helping. I'll rest then potter about trying not to make matters worse and get a migraine while tidying up a bit but it's a long day in a home I can't maintain with an eyesore of a garden.
try curcumin es, it reduses inflamation I prefer TyH brand. a tens unit may help. as for hormone flux you have a choices, talk to gyn
It seems like such a minefield dealing with injuries and Fibro. Difficult not to worry with a long-standing pain from old injuries or a fresh injury. The buggers seem to multiply with time.
This question has perplexed me for a long time. My experience has been that people assume if you have had surgery then you should be fixed and experience no further pain. I have undergone 3 lots of spinal surgeries, one lower back and two neck surgeries. The main reason I had to have surgery was because my discs had ruptured and were cutting into a nerve, that's the severe pain. After surgery the horrendous pain is gone but your body has to adapt to the changes made and I don't believe they ever fully recover. There is a lot you can do to get your body as good as it's going to get but there will always be some referred pain.

I'm not sure if this is where fibro comes into it? This is just my experience but because my body has been in so much pain for so long my brain is highly sensitive to pain signals because it's trying to protect me.
After surgery the horrendous pain is gone but your body has to adapt to the changes made and I don't believe they ever fully recover. There is a lot you can do to get your body as good as it's going to get but there will always be some referred pain.

I'm not sure if this is where fibro comes into it? This is just my experience but because my body has been in so much pain for so long my brain is highly sensitive to pain signals because it's trying to protect me.
Hi Kelly Anne,
definitely agree with the changes and often not fully able to recover.
Additionally my body reacts severely (= flares) to pain/injury with or without anaesthesia, often not immediately, but after a day or longer. And that altho I (= my brain) have a high pain threshold and tolerance, and normal pain sensitivity. But my body "knows" different. So I don't care much about pain, but if I don't adapt to it, I get "ill" - heavy, nauseous, feverish etc.
I've never even had big surgery - dentist stuff and various exams (e.g. GI, bladder) are more than enough triggers to send me into several week to month long flares. Controllable due to knowing my body better, alleviating faster, and better since using LD N, that's decreased my recovery times.

Yeah, I do think that's where fibro comes into it, altho other conditions, like autoimmune, may flare similarly.
I also think that maybe the popular hypothesis that fibro is a central sensitisation syndrome may then apply to your reactions, esp. if you have low pain threshold, low pain tolerance, hyperalgesia and/or allodynia. For me it doesn't, and I think that can be explained by different subgroups of fibromyalgia.
I have a suspicion this is all caused by our hormones being messed up from Roundup that is now in every single human on Earth, even kids.
What is Roundup? I read a couple of book s recently on environmental toxicity/multiple chemical sensitivity and it was very disturbing that many chemicals are in everyone's body.
And of course, people's problems in times past were far more personal. You had fear or anxiety because you or your way of making a living, or someone you cared about or your community, was in some way threatened. These days there is still that, but on top of that we also know what is happening in the rest of the world, to people thousands of miles away, and that has an effect on us as well.
Vicarious traumatization; happens to me very easily, that's why I can't watch the news. People think I'm selfish/indifferent, but the problem is I care too deeply.
People think I'm selfish/indifferent, but the problem is I care too deeply.
I don't know who these people are missneverwell but I for one don't blame you AT ALL for not watching it, the only reason I put lbc news on is when I need accurate weather (my phone lies to me a lot ) it's extremely depressing to watch (educational around the world maybe?) I had to be told by someone about covid (I put myself on a news watching ban) don't blame you missneverwell, don't blame you at all
Vicarious traumatization; happens to me very easily, that's why I can't watch the news. People think I'm selfish/indifferent, but the problem is I care too deeply.
Definitely. (Actually I couldn't even watch kid's programs/films any more, too fast and emotional. Esp. after 7pm, my attempted screen curfew time anyway.)
I had to be told by someone about covid (I put myself on a news watching ban)
That's generally what I've installed. My wife since covid and conspiracism needs the papers to stay sane. So she breaks the current affairs down for me, no drama after 7, a mate gives me in-depth analyses when he or I want, and I get a short newsletter from our local paper with links I click on when it suits me, luckily I have no "horror addiction" (any more), that would make me peek even if I can't take it.
What is Roundup?
The original trademark name of the most used herbicide glyphosate. Kills all plants unless they are genetically modified to survive it. Controversial for many reasons, like possibly cancer, altho it seems "better" than other herbicides for certain reasons. Over a million signatures on a public campaign in Europe to ban it didn't succeed.
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What is Roundup? I read a couple of book s recently on environmental toxicity/multiple chemical sensitivity and it was very disturbing that many chemicals are in everyone's body.
Roundup is a chemical weed killer and insecticide that a company called Monsanto makes. It is used everywhere now, and the toxicity from it is found in every plant grown for food in the USA and many other countries. Even produce grown as organic is often found to have roundup and other chemicals in it. But that's not even half the worst that Monsanto has done, and if you want to read about it just use a search engine. But brace yourself, because you may wish you didn't know.
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