
  1. K

    Any new Pain treatments out there?

    Hi everyone, Sorry for the longish post, but sometimes it's needed, right? I've been taking narcotic pain meds since early 2001. They've been the only thing that controls pain. Over the years I've tried numerous alternatives, but nothing has been effective. Acupuncture was a joke, I...
  2. Tipnatee N

    The neurobiology of stress-resistant brain & Learned helplessness

    These 2 article caught my attention which I found after I starting to suffer from Drowsiness anxiety. It's the symptom that after I felt intensive anger coming from my self then I get extremely sleepy and have to quickly go lay down to sleep for at least a few hours or more. ( no fight for me in...
  3. D

    Another like Sageys

    Dear Miserable Human Being, Hi, my name is Fibromyalgia, and I’m an invisible chronic illness. I am now ‘velcroed’ to you for life. Others around you can’t see me or hear me, but YOUR body feels me. I can attack you anywhere and anyway I please. I can cause severe pain, or if I am in a good...
  4. C

    I'm more than happy to help you

    There are very many things about fibromyalgia that a doctor may not consider without a proper history. There are many psychological trauma disorders that can cause these symptoms and there are drug induced fibromyalgia symptoms as well. I do domestic violence and substance abuse counseling so...
  5. H

    Tired of being treated like an addict

    So today I had to go in person to get my prescriptions from my doctor an hour away. So after I had the medical assistant call me to let me know they were written so I could come get them, I get there and I have to have ID? She didn't think to tell me that when I had her call? Apparently it's a...
  6. H

    Someone who understands

    Hi! I want to communicate with someone who understands fibromyalgia and chronic illness. I have all the diseases that go along with it or are related to it, such as interstitial cystitis. I have been chronically ill for about twenty years. While I have accepted my limitations, one thing I really...
  7. P

    Abusive relationship....

    So I just found out from my daughter that today is Thursday. I have been in an extreme flare since Tuesday. The hardest thing is that it's my second one in two weeks. After three months of being in remission I have told several people that there is only one way to explain how this feels. It's...
  8. Sarafina

    Fibro and In Utero Development

    I've been researching the possible connection between Fibro and in utero. For anyone interested or doing research on the origination of Fibro - Based on this article Early Life Adversity as a Risk Factor for Fibromyalgia in Later Life It appears there could be a strong connection found...
  9. F

    feeling defeated

    this is my first original post to this forum and it's going to be a long one probably. i hope that everyone who reads this will be open-minded. i chose an anonymous forum that wasn't on facebook to get into specific details of my life and my fight with chronic illness. i am a survivor of...
  10. R

    New member..posting first time

    Hello all! I was diagnosed with severe chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia in September 15'. My 4 kids, now older teens kept me so busy that I was always tired and thought it was the norm for a busy mom, until about 6 yrs ago I kept getting symptoms to where they all came together and I...
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