
  1. Cutiegirl

    Hair tissue mineral analysis

    Finally had this done. Relieved that cadmium and lead levels are very low (I eat chocolate daily). Have an appointment this Thursday at 3 pm to learn what everything means and will post after. Curious about fibro connections to toxic metals. Is there a question I should be asking?
  2. Y

    rash on the back of neck

    Hello, I've noticed a lot of friends with short hair and fibro have a purple red rash on the back of the neck, I checked my own neck and I have it too. I've not read it in the official symptoms list is it a 'thing' or am I imagining it?:?:
  3. K

    Hi just wanted to say hello :)

    Hi everyone. thought id introduce myself and say abit about my fibro journey. I'm nearly 34 and in the UK. I first got fibro when I was 11 . so iv had it a very long time. I have two beautiful girls who are amazing. I run my own business from my home salon offering hair and nails and I can work...
  4. M

    Cloths, Shampos, lotions, light sensativity, etc.

    There has to be those of us that have by trial and error have found some things to be better than others, as far as what works for you. I have the super dry skin problem, still looking into what that problem stems from, I "think" there is more going on other than Fibro, but, I have tried every...
  5. S

    help please

    Hi. I am 31 years old and have the symptoms of fibro, my gp has put me on duloxetine 20mg twice a day but due to pain level they have upped it to 60mg daily. Im currently off work due to the symptoms and the constant fatigue. My hair is falling out too. I have been referred to rheumatology but...
  6. Tipnatee N

    Identify nutritional deficiency through hair, skin, and nails

    As much as this video may have had interesting information Dr Berg, is trying to sell products. I had to remove the video sorry Tipnatee N. Any video put up must not be advertising the sale of products or mislead members into thinking this is my problem & these products will cure it.
  7. L

    Happy thread!

    I know just about everyone here has at some point probably had issues with a doctor so this should be kind of relateable and amusing at the same time. So back in the day I ended up becoming unable to deal with my bipolar and tried to off myself. Again. So I ended up at this place that I was...
  8. S


    Hi.i am 31 years old. Have had constant pain all over my body for months,muscles aches and joints hurt.i wake up all stiff abd have pains in my feet.i am always tired and my sleep is very on and off.i am always tired and generally exhausted. My hair has also started to fall out at times.i get...
  9. S


    Hi.i am 31 years old. Have had constant pain all over my body for months,muscles aches and joints hurt.i wake up all stiff abd have pains in my feet.i am always tired and my sleep is very on and off.i am always tired and generally exhausted. My hair has also started to fall out at times.i get...
  10. Tipnatee N

    Anemia and other severe minerals deficiency

    Anemia is nothing new to me but lately do to my other fast severely vitamins and minerals lost than I could consume. I'm struggling trying to find the right balance. Since I eat healthy it seems to keep me together better than before and found some relief , yet there's a time when fibromyalgia...
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