
  1. H

    Coming off Medication to 'reset'

    Hey Team, just wanting some thoughts and opinions. Before i make any changes to medications this is always discussed with my doctor and we work through the process together. More looking as to whether anyone has experienced or tried this. So when i started the amitriptiline in december 2021...
  2. Y

    Diagnosed in August

    I guess August isn't super recent. I also had a rough experience like most of us here. At 22, no one believes me that I have fibromyalgia. Even the doctor I saw gave air quotes around this condition. I had symptoms since August of 2017 after a severe upper respiratory infection. I never...
  3. S

    feeling hopeless

    So I have a kidney transplant and about 40% efficient there and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year. I have not been able to hold permanent full time employment due to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and pain/neuropathy. My last two employers said they would work with me on the...
  4. V

    Confused and looking for suggestions

    Hi everyone, I’m new. I was diagnosed a few years ago but it was ignored. It finally got bad enough I’m seeing a really nice specialist. I feel I’ve had this but it just got worse over the last 10 or more years. I have a bunch of health issues. My thyroid specialist is brilliant. He’s been...
  5. B

    Undiagnosed with Variety of Symptoms

    Hi everyone, I’m a 32 year old male and have been dealing with various symptoms since September 2017 that I can’t seem to get a firm answer. I first started having an aching pain in my left chest in September 2017. I went to the ER and had bloodwork run, an EKG, and chest x-ray that all came...
  6. D

    New here

    I was diagnosed in 2006 and things have only gotten worse since diagnosed. Currently seeing a pain doctor who I feel is clueless about Fibromyalgia and wants to try the following treatments on me,some kind of shots in pain areas,which if I do that,then I'll be getting upwards to 12-15 shots...
  7. E

    At a Loss

    Hi everybody I am Eric and it's hard to believe that I am coming up on a year of being officially diagnosed as for a couple years they could not figure out what was going on but anyway. I am currently at a loss as what to do with my Rheumatologist as before officially being diagnosed I was...
  8. M

    Saying Hi

    Hi everyone Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm recently diagnosed (though suffered at least 3 yrs previously )43yr old Fibro mum who also has depression and anxiety and possible spondyloarthritis . Im a carer also for both my daughters with different diagnosis and my husband has aspergers...
  9. F

    26 with fibro

    Hi everyone :smile: I'm Tony, a 26 year old female. I'm not sure when my Fibromyalgia started but I was diagnosed by the start of 2017. I think it's been 8 years (I had wrist pain that spread to my shoulder and neck now all over my body). I'm angry about it one day, and a fighter in another...
  10. 1sweed

    How To Manage On A Tight Budget With Fibro

    I have always struggled with this issue as lots of times I had to make a choice between eating healthy or going to the doctor or buying medication. With any health plan this is always going to be tough for those of us that live on a very small income. My disability income is less than $500 a...
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