
  1. S

    Weakness in face - scared and confused

    Hi everyone. I have been experiencing neurological symptoms for about 2 years. It started with a huge health anxiety event followed by sudden onset of twitching all over and perceived left hand weakness. I feared horrible illnesses like ALS, MS, brain tumor. I had all tests done including emg in...
  2. A


    Fibromyalgia-diagnosed Hello everyone, My name is Athina and i am from Greece. I am 28 years old and recently before a month and a half i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia,afer 5 years of endless running to the doctors for pain in the hands, in my back, in my legs and making all kind of exams...
  3. R

    Random Paresthesia pain like Electric shock, burning sensation and Pins.

    On 23rd June, I woke up with a pain in my right hand palm which felt different compared to all the pain I experienced before. It doesn't looked like some bone pain or pain after cramp. It felt like the pain was coming from inside the body and to be precise it felt like it was coming from Nerve...
  4. T

    24 y/o male with fibromyalgia-related symptoms.

    I am a 24 year old male from the United States and I am in the process of being diagnosed/treated for something that has been described to me (by doctors) as fibromyalgia related. For most of my life, I have had mild anxiety and depression and was most recently diagnosed with GAD. When I was...
  5. S

    New Member, recently diagnosed.

    Hi, I've been slowly working my way through the diagnosis program for two years as things are getting worse. It started out slowly with pains that I just figured were the results of an aging blue collar worker till my doctor sent me to a neurologist who first tried the electrical stimulus...
  6. F

    Years of suffering, could it be Fibro?

    I’m about to turn 25. I’ve been sick for 6 years now, going into the 7th year. I have seen tons of doctors, including specialists at Cleveland Clinic, and have had many tests done, but not one doctor has been able to diagnose me. A couple doctors have even said that it’s all in my head and told...
  7. F

    My Story

    I am a senior in college and over the past few years I’ve been discovering answers to some medical issues I was having making school and work more challenging and sometimes what I felt was impossible. First off I get migraines, some put me in the emergency room all day others kept me home from...
  8. R

    Could I Have Fibro?/First Rheumatologist Appointment

    Good Day All, I have been considering the poitential I have Fibro for a while and would love to speak with some experienced veterans or even just knowledgeable members about it. Quick medical history, I was in 7 car accidents with in 5 years, I've been treated with physical therapy, massage...
  9. AdorkablesMama04

    New to Forum Long Diagnosed

    Hello all! First I want to say I'm sorry for turning what should be a short intro into a long one. Also, if you have trouble understanding I've had to start typing how things sound in my head and stop proofing my messages because it takes hours when I do and sometimes things turn out worse...
  10. J

    Weaning down from Cymbalta then on Savella

    Good morning. I've been on Cymbalta for 7-8 years for my fibro & chronic depression. My neurologist wants me to try Savella as some fibro symptoms have become less manageable (leg pain primarily). I'm on 120 mg of Cymbalta & have been for years. He had me taper to 60 mg for 14 days then I'll...
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