
  1. SweetWithSour

    Today I took some power back! I fired my primary care Dr.

    Today I took some of my power back! I called patient experience to requested a primary care doctor change. "Maybe you just forgot how to walk" doctor.... You are fired! I will no longer let you minimize my problems, not listen, and gaslight me. For me, our 18 year relationship is over. You no...
  2. vickythecat

    Inspirational Quotes

    Hi, Watching lots of videos on how to overcome hopelessness, dark thoughts, feeling of utter loneliness, I came upon this one task therapists and sufferers advise one to do. The task is simple - look online every day for inspirational quotes and write them down in your journal. And go back to...
  3. Tipnatee N

    Better sense of reward meaning better day with fibro?

    There's a strong believe that most result of a bad day with fibro is that we lost the sense of reward to do horrific pains sensation that we are feeling now and what we know deep down of what it would feels like after as the days goes by. There're so many talk about what we should do to...
  4. URMySunshine

    Should I tell my employers I have fibro?

    I was diagnosed with fibro in March and put on meds that basically kept it under control until recently. I've been to my doctor and had the med's dosage increased, but I don't have it yet, so I'm still feeling pretty awful. My question for all of you is this: I got a job in July, when I was...
  5. vickythecat

    it's too much, just too much....

    I will use this post as therapy...I just have to because I have no other option. 5 weeks ago 2 newly born kittens were left in front of our building. People see that we take care of stray animals, and decide that taking away babies from their mothers and bringing them us is a good idea. (It is...
  6. N

    Very Informative Fibro Talk by MD

    Dr. Andrew J Gross speaks about Fibro. He talks for an hour and twelve minutes and then takes questions. I watched the whole thing, a very good speaker and he lays it out very well with an easily understandable power point presentation, talking about a multi disciplinary approach to managing...
  7. Sagey

    Found a list of Best Fibromyalgia books that u might want to read

    Best Books On Fibromyalgia "Molecules Of Emotion"; Candace Pert, PhD Adrenaline Dominance: A Revolutionary Approach to Wellness by Michael E. Platt "Quantum Healing: Exploring The Frontiers Of Mind/Body Medicine"; Deepak Chopra, MD "Boundless Energy"; Deepak Chopra, M.D. "Superbrain...
  8. H

    A Physician Who Gets It.

    I posted earlier a link to this article. I didn't realize that registration was needed to view the article. Here is the article. "Vancouver – “We have less power, pharmacologically, than we thought. The vast majority of people are getting adverse effects in return for nothing,” said Dr. Tom...
  9. T

    One last thing

    I am asking that all of you who believe in the power of prayer to pray for my sister in law. She has been in the hospital off and on since Thanksgiving but I think her time on this earth is coming to an end. She has had 4 heart attacks in 7 months, had to have all of the toes on her right foot...
  10. LittleOrchid

    I'm new, but I need to vent BAD.

    Hello everyone, I hate to start off my time here with a vent like this but I feel like I have no one to talk to who "gets it" and if I don't off load some of what I'm going through right now, I'm going to explode I think. Please bear with me if I seem fragmented... I'm mid flare and utterly...