
  1. Y

    rash on the back of neck

    Hello, I've noticed a lot of friends with short hair and fibro have a purple red rash on the back of the neck, I checked my own neck and I have it too. I've not read it in the official symptoms list is it a 'thing' or am I imagining it?:?:
  2. C

    Did anyone start with these symptoms?

    I have had 4 "episodes" since June of 2018. I woke up one morning and hurt all over like I had the flu. The bones in my feet felt like they were crunching together. Every joint hurt. My hands/fingers/wrists were stiff and painful. I wanted to sleep all day long. I had a painful spot to...
  3. F

    Strange stuff

    After my initial newby thread I was diagnosed in November which seemed too easy after all the things I had read. I ended up getting a second opinion from rhumy. I filled out the standard fibro pain form, however he doesn't like the term Fibromyalgia because it was a trash can term by so many...
  4. P

    blotchy red/white palms - what's going on?

    HI all, The other night I suddenly noticed that the palms of my hands looked all red and blotchy, with red and white patches, and even some slight yellow. They're more red around the outside of my palm and my fingers. I don't know if this is a new thing or if I just hadn't noticed it before...
  5. E

    finding good doctors

    So I'm pretty sure we can't have a "wall of shame" board for all the dictors (doctors) we have almost all ran into. But now after another move to another state it would be great to be able to see a list of doctors that other CFS/FMS patients have had good treatment from. When my...
  6. Tipnatee N

    Feeling twice older than my age

    Why does fibromyalgia make me feel so old? I mean not just in the physical sense but more like mentally sense. I want to stay young since I'm pushing 40, but I can't get excited with anything politics anymore , I feels tired and annoyed watching people go on and about every thing so negatively...
  7. P

    Random symptoms: Fibro related or not?

    Hi all, As with any new diagnosis, you start to wonder if all kind of other things are related. There are a few symptoms I've noticed that may or may not be related to Fibro (or Celiac) but wanted to ask about: 1. rapid weight loss: I've lost 10lb since March! This is a good thing, since I'd...
  8. L

    Hand and foot symptoms?

    Does anyone else experience anything other than just pain in their hands or feet. For the past few weeks I've been experiencing hands and feet that feel hot and stingy but are actually cold to touch. The palms of my hands are extremely sensitive when touching anything. A warm bath helps but my...
  9. V

    I had my first fibro-attributed clumsiness this morning....

    I have a Keurig because I'm the only one in my family who drinks coffee, so I can make it one cup at a time. I also have a re-usable K-cup because so. much. trash. Well, today I was making my coffee before a phone interview for a podcast, and when I was trying to twist the lid on the k-cup...
  10. S

    Sun Sensitivity?

    A few weeks ago, on Easter Sunday, we spent a few hours outside at the park with our grandbabies while they had an egg hunt. Later that evening, I noticed that my face was itching frequently and when I looked in the mirror I noticed some hives on my face and neck. I took some Benadryl and by...
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