
  1. L

    Diagnosed Today!!!

    hi everyone, Just got diagnosed today. Honestly always thought this was just a diagnoses doctors give when they dont know whats wrong! I have been a full time waitress for 38 years and just thought the pain was due to that. However the pain is so constant and fierce that I finally had to go...
  2. Y

    Flare-Ups & Work (Ranting)

    I have been having the start (or worsening of) a flare-up for the past three days. It seems like I am always in a flare-up since I was diagnosed a year ago. I work full time as a private security sergeant and go to school part-time. I have been trying for three days to get someone to cover my...
  3. M

    After 30 years of Fibro, I am finally feeling Human again.

    This is my first post. I just have to tell someone how to get better. I was diagnosed back in 1991, when the term was relatively new. I managed to limp through work using FMLA until 2000 til I was almost ready to die.(2 of those years I was on leave for clinical depression) I did not start...
  4. S

    Diagnosed in 15 and had years of low pain until now, does this sound like fibro?

    I am 25 years old (male) back in 2013-2014 I started having really bad calf and arm pin and had blood tests and a mri done along with a test where they shocked my muscles in my legs, sorry I can’t remember what that was called lol. Everything came back fine except that test where they shocked...
  5. D

    Stress intolerance

    Anyone else have complete intolerance to stress and anxiety. Since i got fibro i go down with a bang as soon as i get overloaded with pressure or stress....and i used to be a person who coped well with high pressure. Now i do everything to avoid anything outside a simple unpressured life. Of...
  6. F

    Strange stuff

    After my initial newby thread I was diagnosed in November which seemed too easy after all the things I had read. I ended up getting a second opinion from rhumy. I filled out the standard fibro pain form, however he doesn't like the term Fibromyalgia because it was a trash can term by so many...
  7. vickythecat

    When should one go to a doctor?

    I know this is somewhat of a stupid question. If you feel unwell, you should go to the doctor. For certain issues, some doctors tell you to have regular check-ups, so you go back every year/6 months. But I am confused with fibro because it can cause pain at the weirdest spots. I don't know...
  8. D


    How does stress and anxiety affect your fibromyalgia. Is it instant pain or a response you feel a while later? Does it cause a significant body wide increase in pain or just small increase short term? Stress is a killer for me ...and pretty instant change. Just wondered how/if it affects...
  9. vickythecat

    Let's list all the things that do help

    Hi, There are so many posts here from all of us asking others what they do for their pain/exhaustion/fibro fog and all kinds of complaints relating to fibro, that I thought a post listing only the things that do help us individually, might be helpful for us all. Here is my list; - Tramadol...
  10. J

    Do You Guys Think I Have Fibro?

    Hey guys, I'm new here but was looking to get some insight to see if i do or do not have Fibromyalgia and to help you, i'll provide a little backstory. Im 22 years of age, Male. My father has had this illness diagnosed going on some 10 years now, but has had the symptoms since he was 24 (he's...
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