
  1. S

    Weakness in face - scared and confused

    Hi everyone. I have been experiencing neurological symptoms for about 2 years. It started with a huge health anxiety event followed by sudden onset of twitching all over and perceived left hand weakness. I feared horrible illnesses like ALS, MS, brain tumor. I had all tests done including emg in...
  2. E


    Hi, I don't come on here that often but i'm in need of some perspective. I have been having what I call a flare up and im scared. Its been ongoing for the last 2 weeks and usually I can snap out of it or fix myself but this time I feel like i've just gone numb. Nothing hurts, everything is...
  3. F

    My Story

    I am a senior in college and over the past few years I’ve been discovering answers to some medical issues I was having making school and work more challenging and sometimes what I felt was impossible. First off I get migraines, some put me in the emergency room all day others kept me home from...
  4. L

    Sciatica type pain

    Does anyone else experience sciatic type pain? I had a really bad episode months ago because my knees were so bad I couldn't bend or lift properly and my back suffered as a result. It got so bad I couldn't weight bear at all and was frozen to the spot for well over an hour. I've seen a...
  5. vickythecat

    Couldn't even get up on time to go to the doctors

    ahhhh......for months I'd been coming up with excuses and reasons why I will have to wait till the summer is over to go to the doctor (I hate the heat and public transportation is real nasty in the heat over here). Now it is autumn, due to a family emergency I cannot leave my mom alone at home...
  6. S

    Shooting head pain - fibromyalgia or something else?

    Hello, I would like to ask if anyone else has experienced this and what it can be. I have a suspected fibromyalgia with my pains migrating from one part of my body to next. For example I would be having needle pin pains in my tights for a couple of weeks, then the pain would stop and move to...
  7. L

    Just diagnosed

    Hello all. Glad to find this forum. I was just diagnosed July 13 after 3 plus years and 2 rheumotologists. Long story short, I started having pain all over. Holding my son's hand was painful. I joined a fitness boot camp and had to stop since the pain and fatigue was so bad. I thought I...
  8. S

    scared of my future with fibro!

    Okay, so i am 19 and have had fibro for almost 5 years. Its been really severe and even mild sometimes. But it really effects me and my ability to do normal everyday things. Juggling a job, a full course load in uni and outside activities is a lot for anyone but even more so for me. My entire...
  9. M


    Hi there I have been getting treatment for my fibro for about 4 years now . im on 12mg hydromorphone long acting and just recently my dose of 4mg of dilidud has been dropped to 2mg a day. I also go to a pain clinic when needed and get a lidocine and ketamaine infusion when necessary. (sorry...
  10. vickythecat

    what is 'normal' ....

    I am almost 40. And it is only now that I am beginning to learn that many body aches and pains I thought were 'normal' are not normal whatsoever. I've always woken up feeling exhausted, hated going to school because of the early mornings. I thought I'd grow out of it. But it was the same when...
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