
  1. Y

    Diagnosed in August

    I guess August isn't super recent. I also had a rough experience like most of us here. At 22, no one believes me that I have fibromyalgia. Even the doctor I saw gave air quotes around this condition. I had symptoms since August of 2017 after a severe upper respiratory infection. I never...
  2. T

    New here and sad...

    Hi all, sorry to join up and then immediately post a negative, but I've been reading threads and the understanding and support you all give is amazing! Since my diagnosis, I have been coping ok, painkillers don't help me at all, so I have to just deal with my pain and other symptoms. Lately...
  3. MorgueKitty


    Good day or evening, My name is Morgan (or Morg for short), and I am new to the site. I have been living with fibro symptoms for the last 15 years or so. I started noticing the symptoms when I was about 16. It started with random muscle and joint pain, and then went on to include migraines...
  4. G

    Juvenile Fibromyalgia? Feeling like a liar

    Hi! I'm a 16-year-old Canadian who has been generally healthy with the exemption of anxiety, depression and anemia, but I've been noticing my body has had a lot of non-visible wear and tear. My friend's joke that I'm old as if I stay still for too long I get up groaning like an old man. I've had...
  5. C

    Fibro affecting my marriage

    I don't even know how to start this. I'm waiting for formal diagnosis of fibro bit go and consultant both believe I have it. I've come to accept my limitations over the last 5 years. My husband cannot. We row constantly about sex. He wants it, I'm either phsically sore, fatigued or both. It has...
  6. J

    Not sure if i have :(

    Hi everyone New member here - my first day actually. I suffer health anxiety. people always ask what's bothering you? what causes the anxiety? I know very well it's health issues. Apart from how i feel health wise I have a pretty good life and nothing I should feel fearful about. I've had...
  7. B

    Undiagnosed with Variety of Symptoms

    Hi everyone, I’m a 32 year old male and have been dealing with various symptoms since September 2017 that I can’t seem to get a firm answer. I first started having an aching pain in my left chest in September 2017. I went to the ER and had bloodwork run, an EKG, and chest x-ray that all came...
  8. M

    at wits end knowing what the hell is wrong with me. thx

    Hi everyone, I have been having issues for a while, over 2 years. Not knowing what was wrong, (having crazy hip pain) I went to a chiro last april 2017, he took an xray said My entire pelvic region was inflamed. My bones were fine. So he had me come 3 times a week, for back adjustment, laser...
  9. S

    Anyone have pain and twitching over arms and legs during a flare up?

    I’ll get sore arms and calfs along with twitching and sometimes legs will feel like they are going to give out. Anyone else experience this?
  10. A

    Job opinions

    I'm new here but really struggling what to do with my life. I was diagnosed with fibro in appx 2011, although I suspect I had it much longer, at that time I had worked as a medical Transcriptionist for 11 years. Finally I had to quit due to pain in 2012. After that I went back to get my...
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