Challenging time

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Dec 2, 2016
Lately I have been in the middle of a super bad flare, serious back pain from a pulled ligament that is taking its time to heal, and significant levels of fatigue that has all been going on for weeks now. I have been feeling pretty debilitated.
I find I cannot even summon the energy to write as much as I usually do on this forum, and am letting posts go by that I would usually respond to. Sorry about that, everyone.

All we can do is hang in there, do what we can, accept the fact that we cannot change everything we want to, and continue on living our lives with as much courage as we can muster each day. And, I think we should give ourselves credit for that. That's what I am doing right now.

And now, I am going to go lie down again.
Ever since I found this forum, I've so appreciated everything you do, Sunkacola. Even now, in a moment where you're struggling, you still leave us with some great wisdom above! Rest well, and feel better soon.
Thanks very much, Jemima. I appreciate all of the information and wisdom you offer to this forum, and am glad you are here.
Ever since I found this forum, I've so appreciated everything you do, Sunkacola. Even now, in a moment where you're struggling, you still leave us with some great wisdom above! Rest well, and feel better soon.
What she said!
ha nem akarsz allopatikus gyógyszert hátfájdalomra, akkor masszás óvatossan levendula vagy rosmaring olajjal.
schüssler só nyelv alatt szopogatni: Ferrum phosporicum D12 15minut/1tabl- Kalium chloratum D6 2 órában/1
Görcs: Magnézium phosporicum D6 7darab langyos vizben feloldani és meginni. ez nagyon jó acut esetben.
ha nagyon szenvedsz akkor megfontolandó az izomlazitó hagyományos "nyugati".
a mellékelt képen taálható pont szegithet a fájdalomban mindenkinek "vastagbél" 4
Szeretettel és öleléssel:


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Jemima ha ké a szöveg
ha nem akarsz allopatikus gyógyszert hátfájdalomra, akkor masszás óvatossan levendula vagy rosmaring olajjal.
schüssler só nyelv alatt szopogatni: Ferrum phosporicum D12 15minut/1tabl- Kalium chloratum D6 2 órában/1
Görcs: Magnézium phosporicum D6 7darab langyos vizben feloldani és meginni. ez nagyon jó acut esetben.
ha nagyon szenvedsz akkor megfontolandó az izomlazitó hagyományos "nyugati".
a mellékelt képen taálható pont szegithet a fájdalomban mindenkinek "vastagbél" 4
Szeretettel és öleléssel:
Could you please use Google Translate to post in English? This is an English speaking forum. Thank you! And thanks for wanting to help. :)
Jemima ha ké a szöveg
Seniorzala wrote:
if you do not want allopathic medicine for back pain, you can massage gently with lavender or rosemary oil.
suck schüssler salt under the tongue: Ferrum phosporicum D12 15minutes / 1tabl- Potassium chloratum D6 in 2 hours / 1
Spasm: Dissolve and drink 7 pieces of magnesium phosporicum D6 in lukewarm water. this is a very good acute case.
if you suffer greatly you should consider the muscle relaxant traditional "western".
the dot in the attached picture can nail everyone in pain "colon" 4
With love and hug:

Seniorzala, Google Translate is very good, and easy to use!
Seniorzala, A Google Fordító nagyon jó és könnyen használható!
Just saw this and hope you are ok now.
Hi Uhura, and thanks for asking. I am not really OK, sorry to say. My energy has come up a little bit on some days, making it possible for me to do a few things and that helps. But my back is still in a very fragile state, the flare is still present in the rest of my body, and I cannot do much, which in itself is very demoralizing. I just have to remain positive and accepting of what is happening right now, knowing that this, like everything else, will change.
Hi Uhura, and thanks for asking. I am not really OK, sorry to say. My energy has come up a little bit on some days, making it possible for me to do a few things and that helps. But my back is still in a very fragile state, the flare is still present in the rest of my body, and I cannot do much, which in itself is very demoralizing. I just have to remain positive and accepting of what is happening right now, knowing that this, like everything else, will change.
Waiting for a back to heal is demoralising on its own, let alone with a flare in tow. Sending strength, Sunkacola 💐

I'm sorry I've been a bit radio silent the last few days too. Got completely buried with work and haven't had a spare brain cell!
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I wish I had some words of wisdom, but I can barely string a sentence together at the best of times. Hang in there youth!
@seniorzala and @Jemima, I'm very wary of artificial intelligence, but Cologne-based "deep-L translator" beats google (and I do like google being beaten ;-)).
Nagyon óvatos vagyok a mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatban, de a kölni "deep-L fordító" legyőzi a Google-t (és én szeretem, ha a Google-t legyőzik ;-)). (A back-translation results in the same, so I hope this is what I wanted to say...)

I tried seniorzala's text above and most was the same, but improved
google's "this is a very good acute case" into "it is very good in acute cases."
the hilarious "the dot in the attached picture can nail everyone in pain "colon" 4" :LOL::ROFLMAO::eek::oops:o_O:devilish:
into the understandable "in the attached picture you can see the point of the pain in everyone's "colon" 4"
(And "With love and hug" into the more natural "With love and hugs")

I hope you all - especially @sunkacola - don't have too many dots that nail you in pain today....

Praps the above as one last Hungarian text...:

Próbáltam seniorzala fenti szövegét, és a legtöbb volt ugyanaz, de javult
google "ez egy nagyon jó akut eset" helyett "ez nagyon jó akut esetekben".
a fergeteges "a mellékelt képen lévő pötty mindenkit el tud szögezni fájdalomban "vastagbél" 4" :LOL::ROFLMAO::eek::oops:o_O:devilish:
az érthető "a mellékelt képen látható pont mindenkinek fájdalmat okoz a "vastagbél" 4"
(És a "szeretettel és öleléssel" a természetesebb "szeretettel és öleléssel")
Remélem, ma nem lesz mindenkinek túl sok olyan pontja, ami fájdalmakkal szögezi le....
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