Glad to be here

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Distinguished member
Oct 15, 2022
Hi everyone, I just joined. Is there an introduction on how to work this website (e.g. forum topics, posts, threads)? I'm not the most tech savy. I was diagnosed a long time ago and often wondered if it was a misdiagnosis. However, as I get older, the condition seems to manifest itself in new forms. Symptoms used to be limited to chronic fatigue, neck/head and upper back weakness and localized, temporary pain; as well as sensitivity to pressure/light/sound/temperature (particularly cold). As I aged, environmental illness has become more pronounced, and digestive problems wax and wane. Currently, I am having sudden pains eminating from the back of the head, that can also cover the temporal lobe areas of the skull, and aching behind the ears and make my eyes/vision heavy and less sharp. I was afraid it might be related to a fall out of a transport van onto the concrete pavement, so I was finally able to get an x-ray, but nothing showed up except slight disc degeneration. I also had a medical event a number of months ago that caused floaters/flashes in my right eye. Long story short, it was probably a vitreous detachment because the floaters never did clear up. However, the eye feels weird in a way I can't describe. So, I guess what I'm saying is that I'm recognizing the pattern of years ago, where I would go to the doctor for all these weird and wonderful symptoms only to be told that all tests are normal, and I thought, fibromyalgia in senior years.
Hi and welcome again :) -
Well, you seem savvy enough, starting a thread in the "right" sub-forum and also replying! 👐 We have no technical introduction, and it hasn't been covered in depth lately, so I'll do one for you and others new here, hope it helps. Ask if something isn't working like you want it to, there are a few bugs that need workarounds (like sometimes using emojis):

Clicking on "new posts" is the easiest way of catching up and the "magnifying glass" top right allows us to search the whole forum. After about 10 to 20 posts we can use the "envelope" = private messaging, but a way of reaching out in a semi-public way is using the "profile posts" which we can answer to (under "what's new") or post ourselves (under our own profile: status update). There are forum rules which are good to read first, the most unusual being: not to post outside links, so just use workarounds. Attachments are allowed.

More advanced is to use the "Reply with Quote" and the +Quote functions, so that it's clear what exactly we are referring to, otherwise it can get confusing with long posts and threads, as threads are allowed to diverge their topic.
If we Reply with Quote we can divide up the whole big quote up using "Return", delete & copy parts together or apart. +Quote is multi-quote, which we can gather over one or several posts by highlighting the text wanted, then go to the reply-box below and click on "insert", then easily order them or delete some if necessary before actually clicking "insert" again, and still order/delete/copy after too. For one single quote we can highlight that text, click on Reply with Quote and that alone will immediately be inserted in the answer box. We can do that whilst already having written something, like I'll do now, placing the cursor below:

all these weird and wonderful symptoms only to be told that all tests are normal, and I thought, fibromyalgia in senior years.
Aside from age, I think it's good to remember that symptoms worsening can be due to quite a few things adding up, esp.
  • new co-morbidities (so check not just with docs, like you've done, but also with PTs, therapy),
  • unidentified triggers (so check symptom diaries, meds, supps, their side effects), and a
  • too sedentary lifestyle (so adjust pacing, but with shorter but more regular stints of movement, exercises, stretches etc., even if only for seconds or minutes, but every hour).
Bet you know/remember all this, but I myself like being reminded regularly... 👐
Hi and welcome!
Currently, I am having sudden pains eminating from the back of the head, that can also cover the temporal lobe areas of the skull, and aching behind the ears and make my eyes/vision heavy and less sharp. I was afraid it might be related to a fall out of a transport van onto the concrete pavement, so I was finally able to get an x-ray, but nothing showed up except slight disc degeneration.
X-ray is not going to show much in relation to nerve impingement.. and this sounds more like a nerve issue to me. Could also be caused by overly tense muscles in the neck squeezing the nerves, which definitely wont show up on an x-ray. (think along the lines of whiplash)
Have you talked to your doctor about this? if not, i think you should - dont just write it off to being fibro pain.. you could have something else going on that can be treated separately and successfully.
I have multiple issues in my neck, from mild to severe arthritic changes, and it is causing me a lot of pain that is unrelated to my Fibro.. x-rays only showed a small portion of the issues.. MRI gave a better picture of what is really going on.
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