just need to vent/whine/complain a little...

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My husband and I out on Christmas music too because it makes up happy! Of course our teenage daughter rolls her eyes!🙂
Today, for the 2nd time in as many years, i have an appointment with a potential new primary care provider...

Not the one I was looking at a couple of months ago, however... that one... well... lets just say i am very disappointed with them. The office manager had called me to discuss membership payment, but something came up and she had to go...I was supposed to get a call back, and never did... even after sending an email that included my phone number asking her to please call me so we could get payment sorted out. no call, no return email, absolutely nothing. So apparently they dont want me as a patient.. that is fine.

Yesterday, i had an appointment with my pain management specialist... what a crock... so now, in addition to fibro, the neck issues, the lumbar & SI joint issues, and other physical problems, my records indicate "pain disorder with psychological factors" - well duh.. of course being in pain 24/7 is going to cause psychological issues.. I am not making it up, it is not all in my head.. there are physical reasons for the pain I am in. But rather than actually addressing the physical issues, lets just put it off on the psychological side of things.
Then she says she would like me to see the pain psychologist - but get this.. he is not in the same location, oh no... he is TWO HOURS away.. I am supposed to drive 2 hrs up, and 2 hrs back? seriously? for what? to tell me I have depression and anxiety because of the pain I am in? Tell me something I dont already know....
I am just so fed up with this bull.
cookiebsker, you have my sympathy.
I have found that doctor offices never call you back; you have to be the one to call because they are usually too busy with people who are there in person and on the phone to make return calls. So I always call them rather than emailing.

But it is ridiculous to expect you to make a 4 hour round trip to see someone for ...what...maybe 45 minutes at most... who is, as you say, unlikely to be of any real help. The medical system in this country is seriously messed up.
Hi cookiebaker
Ugh! Is it possible to find a new pain specialist….they clearly are not meeting your needs!

I hope your new pc meeting goes much better today!
A few other questions….🙂Did they address your pain other than by referring you to a pain psychologist? Or did they Present a plan of what they want to try?
But for me.. lying on that hard table, on my back, is the hardest part.. with my lumbar issues
fully understand have not been able to lay on my back for years. I and my brothers inheritred our arthritic problems from my mother we all had problems from a young age - myself and one other brother had pins placed in the spine one brother wore a brace for most of his life and another went to a chiropractor on a regualr basis for all of his life. I make it a habit to never say "I know what your pain is l.ike" to people however I think I have a good understanding of what you are going tho
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thanks all for the moral support..
But it is ridiculous to expect you to make a 4 hour round trip to see someone for ...what...maybe 45 minutes at most... who is, as you say, unlikely to be of any real help. The medical system in this country is seriously messed up.
understatement of the year? LOL
but yeah.. ridiculous to expect someone in pain to spend that much time in a car for no real reason. And why there is not a pain psychologist at the main clinic, where i go, is an enigma... you would think there would be.
Just seems to me that quality medical staff is leaving this clinic in droves... have to wonder why...

I have found that doctor offices never call you back; you have to be the one to call because they are usually too busy....
in most cases, i would agree with you, but this particular clinic is JUST getting up and running, they dont have that many patients yet.
And call me crazy, if you like, but when someone says they are going to do something, I expect them to follow through. When they dont, then yeah, I lose faith in their ability to do what they say, and in this instance, not sure I want to try to continue with that. My initial contact with them had been thru email - their "contact us" form, and this person did reply promptly at that time.
It was only after speaking with her over the phone, and indicating that I am on a fixed income, and not able to pay multiple months membership fee at one time, that things apparently became an issue. One month at a time would be no problem - 3 months worth in one shot is not happening.

Ugh! Is it possible to find a new pain specialist…. they clearly are not meeting your needs!
I actually have an appointment with a pain management specialist at a clinic that specializes in orthopedics next Monday.. All they do is bone & joint stuff.. breaks, sprains, damaged ligaments & tendons, osteoarthritis issues, etc... This same clinic fixed a problem I had with my wrist after a serious fall a few years ago - when the other clinic said there was nothing they could do for me... I dont know why I didnt think of going to this clinic in the first place... maybe i can blame fibro fog for it?

Did they address your pain other than by referring you to a pain psychologist? Or did they Present a plan of what they want to try?
Other than addressing nutrient deficiencies, no, there is no real "plan". Granted, most of the deficiencies I am dealing with will increase pain levels, that still does not address the problems of arthritic changes impinging on the nerves, which is where a lot of my intense pain is coming from... the constant headache that starts at the neck/base of the skull, pain & numbness down the arms, etc...

Speaking of the nutrient deficiencies... I did not read over the after visit summary from that appointment until the next morning... and found something on it that made me go "WTF???" - she had written that I "cannot absorb tablet/capsules due to stomach surgery" - uh... I have NEVER had stomach surgery.. not ever!
Now, I get that this person used to work in bariatrics - but seriously? to make unsupported statements like that is just unbelievable.
I did reach out to get that statement, and any other similar ones, removed from my records, as it is completely false and unsupported. No where in my records does it indicate any kind of stomach surgery, because there has never been any stomach surgery.

I make it a habit to never say "I know what your pain is like" to people however I think I have a good understanding of what you are going tho
Yeah, i try not to do that myself, but thank you for the empathy. It is not nice to be in this kind of pain, but it is nice to know we are not the only ones and that has to count for something.


Anyway.... yesterdays appointment went pretty well, from my point of view.
Obviously, with this being my first appointment with them to establish care, there were lots of questions that had to be answered. Totally expected... the visit took over an hour when it was all said and done with.
This gal is a PA (physicians assistant) - which is fine, i dont have a problem with that.. and she does seem to be genuinely interested in helping me get to a better place with my health.
We discussed my COPD, thyroid problem, and where I am at currently with meds, and also talked about the deficiencies and what I am taking for that... she asked if B12 injections (or any others, for that matter) had been discussed (no) and why not if i was having malabsorption problems.. the stomach surgery thing came up at that point (they had gotten some recent records from the other clinic) and the look on her face when I told her I had never had any kind of stomach surgery was priceless.. you could have knocked her over with a feather... she asked why this other person would put that in the record if it wasn't true - I told her she would have to ask that person, cause I had no idea.
We discussed the arthritis and related pain issues, including the fibro. She is also aware of my upcoming appointment at the bone & joint clinic and wants to be kept apprised of how things go there - any treatment plans, etc...

so, plan of action at this point is to continue with my supplements & thyroid meds as I have been and get new labs in about a month to see where things stand.. both nutrients and thyroid.. and we will re-evaluate things after that.

Is it too soon to feel a sense of relief that maybe things are starting to head in the right direction now? maybe?
Or am I being too optimistic and hopeful? I guess time will tell
Wow cookiebaker…it sounds like you have found a good pc (pa)! Someone who listened and cares! That goes a long way…😊

The new pain clinic sounds like it specializes in exactly what you need….I will pray that goes well too!💕

I have no words for the ineptitude(is that a word?) of some of the medical professionals you have dealt with…I know we all make mistakes for sure but geez!

I am very hopeful for you too!!!
Thank you, @MNP - I am so hopeful that this is the new, better path i need!

"ineptitude" - you hit the nail on the head with that one! and yes, it is a word! definition: lack of skills or ability

I had to giggle yesterday - i mentioned that i was just over the top through with the old clinic to the new primary, and she says, "we hear that a lot here" LOL
The problem was that other clinic was the only medical game in town for a long time... that is slowly changing - thank goodness!!
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Cookiebaker, get onto those B12 injections. My mom has them every 3 months.
So happy your medical care is looking on the up and for the PA to actually hear you not just listen, awesome 👏 That’s all we ask for hey?
Cookiebaker, get onto those B12 injections. My mom has them every 3 months.
So happy your medical care is looking on the up and for the PA to actually hear you not just listen, awesome 👏 That’s all we ask for hey?
depending on where levels stand after the next round of labs, injections may be on the horizon.. not thrilled with the idea, but if it means I dont have to try to swallow a huge pill on a daily basis, i am game! LOL

and yeah.. being listened to, and actually heard is a wonderful thing!
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today was the appointment with the Orthopedic clinic... was kind of a let down, but I think I probably did that to myself - getting hopes up too high for something more immediate - I should know better - these things are a process.

Anyway, i have an appointment in about 3 weeks to talk to a spine surgeon and discuss options for treatment.. which could be anything from trying an injection again, to full on surgery.. Will have to wait and see, i guess.
and in the meantime.. still in a lot of pain with nothing available to help it besides some OTC Tylenol arthritis.. 😢 and that doesnt do much.

you mentioned full on surgery for the spine problem c an I ask what age you are young,middle or senior
Oh cookiebaker I am just like you. We get our hopes up for each appointment for fix even just some long term relief would be nice.
I too am waiting on spine fusion, mine will be from C2 to C7 so won’t have much movement and will loose my license I’d say. Hence why I am trying to hold out, but am losing feeling in my arms . But can still do buttons up and use utensils so not yet for me.
and will loose my license
why would you lose your licence and why are they going to do a fusion on all the neck vertebra c2 to c3 are the ones that normally give problems
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