New pain in random areas

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New member
May 11, 2020
Hi, my symptoms have been pretty much the same since my diagnosis. Recently I have been experiencing new pain in new areas. It seems to come on really quickly. For example tonight it’s in my right jaw. One minute it was fine and now it’s really painful. I’ve been feeling very anxious about my health lately and I’m wondering if it’s possible to create new pain if that makes sense. I’m anxious all the time that there’s something new to deal with or that maybe there’s something else wrong and I’m thinking it’s Fibro. Does anyone experience new pain out of the blue? And do you feel anxious about your health? Thanks in advance x
I experienced random pain and still do that just comes on out of the blue. I dont feel as anxious about my health as I did before I was diagnosed.
I too have been experiencing jaw pain over the last 2 or 3 weeks. No set pattern. One day it is the right, the next the left side of jaw, and many days it is both right and left. Very difficult to eat sometimes. Anyone else experiencing the same thing with jaw pain. By the Grace of God, I manage each day.
Hi, my symptoms have been pretty much the same since my diagnosis. Recently I have been experiencing new pain in new areas. It seems to come on really quickly. For example tonight it’s in my right jaw. One minute it was fine and now it’s really painful. I’ve been feeling very anxious about my health lately and I’m wondering if it’s possible to create new pain if that makes sense. I’m anxious all the time that there’s something new to deal with or that maybe there’s something else wrong and I’m thinking it’s Fibro. Does anyone experience new pain out of the blue? And do you feel anxious about your health? Thanks in advance x
Hi Dexter, I fully understand your feelings of anxiety especially if you are fairly newly diagnosed. This syndrome is famous for sudden inexplicable pain in different areas, so this is "normal" for people with fibro.

Your question about creating new pain is a very good one for you to ask and for you to think about and use in your exploration into how this syndrome affects you and how you can best manage it. Although I don't know if it is literally possible to manufacture a pain with your thoughts or not, it is entirely true that stress, which includes anxiety about the pain or fibro, will exacerbate your symptoms. What I have found is that it is best to spend my energy practicing the managing techniques I have learned over the years rather than allowing myself to descend into anxiety about my health, because by doing that I will make it worse.

I am very familiar with anxiety. I have not succeeded in making myself anxiety-free, but I have learned how to manage it so that it is not constant and doesn't take over my life. Since the Pandemic arrived I have had to learn new ways to deal with it because my anxiety is caused by external events as well. It takes time, but you can do it. Use your own life and body as your laboratory and experiment. You can, over time, find what works the best for you.
Good luck and let us know how you are doing.
I had jaw pain with a clicking sound upon opening my mouth when I first became ill. I(it has since abated) My older sister who has Fibro too had it and went to her dentist who diagnosed TMJ. I think she wears a mouth guard sometimes. My twin who is probable Fibro started to get the jaw pain this past winter.
While jaw pain can be from TMJ or teeth clenching, it can also be a sign of cardiac problems. Women do not experience cardiac pain as men do. Sudden fatigue is also a sign, but it is a common experience in fibro as well. If your jaw is clicking, it's likely TMJ, which can be eased with a dental device, but without the clicking and with anxiety, it might be worth getting a cardiac workup. If it's nothing, then you can be comforted in knowing it's not your heart. Just a thought.
For me the onset of some new pain was stress. I used to work in a very high stressful job which I loved but I had to retire early because I could not physically and mentally handle it. I think everyone has pain triggers and trying to find yours is mentally exhausting at times. Don’t give up.
Hello, I have jaw pain both sides, but that's due to clenching during the night. I also have migraines and get injections for my migraines, but they use the same injections to do both jaws, which helps out amazingly!.
Also have anxiety and take Clonazepam, only on when I feel I can't control it.

Not sure if anyone has ever got face pain ,mainly on all facial bones , which I have a difficult time speaking?

Good luck to everyone! Stay safe!😊
I get facial pain, it feels like my face is "tight". Sometimes its my whole head. Not sure what that is or whats causing it. I figured it might be allergies related that Fibro is making feel way worse. I have had my face hurt to the touch for no apparent reason as well.
I noticed that most people who answered made it about jaw pain when that wasn't really what you were asking. I think what you said hit me because I have been asking myself this same question for weeks now. Longer even. What's up with this random pain that comes out of nowhere and these different uncomfortable symptoms that I haven't had before. I was diagnosed in 2001 and most things were the same ol' same ol'. But in the last year, I noticed things changing for me. Every day it seems like it is something new or different. How am I supposed to help myself when I don't know how I am going to feel one moment to the next. How am I suppose to learn about my pain issues when I don't know where or what they are going to be because they are always different. And how can I alleviate symptoms when I haven't had them yet because it's always changing. So, yes, I know how you feel and this fibro person definitely knows what you are talking about. But I have no idea why. In my opinion, Fibro does change and can bring on new symptoms and can increase in pain. Therefore escalating. Unlike what they say it does.
How am I supposed to help myself when I don't know how I am going to feel one moment to the next. How am I suppose to learn about my pain issues when I don't know where or what they are going to be because they are always different. And how can I alleviate symptoms when I haven't had them yet because it's always changing. So, yes, I know how you feel and this fibro person definitely knows what you are talking about. But I have no idea why. In my opinion, Fibro does change and can bring on new symptoms and can increase in pain. Therefore escalating. Unlike what they say it does.
I think the thing to remember here is that no one, whether they have Fibro or not, knows for sure how they are going to feel the next day or even moment. this is more apparent with us, but we are not the only ones who deal with this.

You cannot know what will happen next, so you just deal with what comes up. You cannot alleviate symptoms you don't have, obviously, so you just deal with what is in the present and you don't worry about what comes next. The more you can accept and deal with what is happening now and not worry about what comes next the more you can enjoy your life. Everyone's life is constantly changing, it just shows more in our bodies because we have a chronic pain condition.

As for how you are supposed to learn about your pain issues? Observe them. They will be different all the time, so observe, take note of what may have caused it or may help with it. It changes, you change your strategy to deal with it. Pretty simple, although by no means easy to do. But what choice do we have? You either learn to deal with it each day as it comes up or you just sit and do nothing, which is guaranteed to make it worse.

Pretty much universally people with fibro report that getting enough of the right kind of exercise, which varies by person, eating a healthy diet, and keeping a positive attitude and rolling with the punches rather than letting them take you down, are the things that help the most.
Yes, but how am I suppose to take care of myself without a job? And I can't get a job if I am always in pain or always dealing with new things. New things that make you have to go home if you happen to be at work. How does one enjoy life with that kind of stress. I have been homeless before with these issues. It is no fun to be in pain and homeless. Sure, I could probably relax more and enjoy life if I didn't have to worry about things like that. I am facing homelessness once again as soon as my father who I live with now decides to go into a retirement home. And then of course stress brings on more pain. Not fun for sure.
Yes, but how am I suppose to take care of myself without a job? And I can't get a job if I am always in pain or always dealing with new things. New things that make you have to go home if you happen to be at work. How does one enjoy life with that kind of stress. I have been homeless before with these issues. It is no fun to be in pain and homeless. Sure, I could probably relax more and enjoy life if I didn't have to worry about things like that. I am facing homelessness once again as soon as my father who I live with now decides to go into a retirement home. And then of course stress brings on more pain. Not fun for sure.
Hey, I fully sympathize with you and your situation. Not fun!! Believe me, I know all too well what you are talking about. I lost a job because I couldn't stand for long enough due to Fibro, and I was severely limited in what I was able to do for work for a very long time. I still am limited. Having fibro brought on depression, anxiety, despair, and feelings of helplessness.

Here's the thing: No one can help you with this, really, except yourself. Sure, a doctor can give you medication or a friend can do a task for you or people like me can offer support and sympathy. But the bottom line is you have to take responsibility for yourself and your illness and for taking care of yourself.

If you are facing homelessness, I suggest you start right now to explore all your options to finding a place you can live even if it is temporary. Ask for help not just from people you know but from every single association or organization in your area that helps people. They are working overtime these days but that doesn't mean you won't be helped. Be determined and persistent. If you cannot work apply for assistance of some kind. Sure, a lot of people are needing that right now, but also a lot of money is being poured into those programs to help people.

I have lived under the supposed "poverty line" for my entire adult life. I have almost always eaten healthy food, and when I didn't it was by choice not because I couldn't afford it. Unless you live in one of the many "Food Deserts" in this country (and if you do, you really have my sympathy and I will try to help you if I can), there is healthy food available in the market. Eating healthy food is a lot less expensive than eating junk or processed food. Trust me, I know, I've done this all my life. This is the first way you can take care of yourself. If you need more info to help with this just ask.

The second way to take care of yourself is get exercise. It costs nothing to take a walk. It costs nothing more than a couple dollars to buy 2 cans of whatever and use them as light weights to do an easy and light workout. Or, you can do it without weights. Online there are many free workout sites, especially these days.

The third way to take care of yourself is to try your best to be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break, take rests, take naps if you like, be kind to your body. Do whatever it takes to manage stress: meditate, listen to soothing music online, read a book, watch a movie. All these things are free. Books and movies are abundant at libraries (that's where I get all of mine!)

If you really want to feel better you can do this. I did it. I was on the bottom, and taking opiate medication, and able to do almost nothing, and brought myself up from that to where I feel better most days now than I did on my best day four years ago! It doesn't happen over night. You have to re-calibrate how you are managing your life, but you can do it.

And a big part of that, for me, was not permitting myself to feel sorry for myself or to say "I can't". I spent a serious effort finding things to be grateful for. You can, too. For instance, you currently do have a place to live, and you obviously have internet access. That is more than over 90% of the world's population of human beings has. There are millions of people who will never even have a clean glass of water to drink in their lives. There are hundreds of millions living in refugee camps, and of course a lot of them are sick, have Fibro, or have even worse physical problems, and no support, no medication, no medical attention at all. We are lucky even if we have Fibro.

Don't discount what I am saying. I was told these things 5 years ago and just said "yeah, right, easy for you to say". But when I took it to heart and started changing my attitude and taking charge of my own well-being, things turned around to an amazing degree. I still have pain every day, but it is usually not as bad as it used to be. And more important: I don't suffer as much when I am in pain. My suffering was caused by my anger, my fighting it, my feeling helpless, and my self-pity. When all that was made to go away, and I accepted that it is what it is and learned to live with it and manage it on a day-to-day basis, it made all the difference. You can be happy. You can have a good quality of life, even with this syndrome and with chronic pain. Lots of people do. You can do it too.

And, I will help you any way I can with tips and suggestions if you want.
I really, really wish for you not to become homeless. I wish I could help you more with that. But don't give up. There's help out there.
ive had fibro since 2001 and i think ive literally had every sympton going now .. from sire spots on face arm leg that feel like a bruise but nothing there ..headaches .. arms legs neck ..restless legs ..pain in my jaw for no reason .. neck pain ..crying uncontrolably with the pain .. ive got through 18 heat pads already since january as i need em soo hot they burn my skin .. your not on yer own hun xxx
Hi. Yes indeed. Sometimes I just wonder what my husband is going to think if I tell him what is new... I often doubt myself. I am also aware of not putting everything in the box of fibromyalgia, and am aware that we need to be sensible and know when to ask for investigation into a symptom that might have more to it... Fortunately I have found that I have worried over nothing.. Ha Ha, just fibromyalgia messing with me again.. But don't kid yourself, you are the only person who really has the voice to ask. Be diligent.
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