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New member
Feb 20, 2013
tyne and wear
hello everyone. I'm new today and hope I can get lots of feedback. There's not a lot known about Fibromyalgia in the UK... ty
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Hi, im new on here too. Ive been diagnosed for almost 2 yrs now but have had fibro pain since i was 9 yrs old, and the doctors took along time to find out. I never even heard of fibromyalgia till my rheumatologist said that the first time i seen him, i was so shocked and scared. The first thing i did was looked it up on google, i couldnt believe what i was reading about it.

How long have u had the pains of fibro? What did u do when u find out ur illness?
i have had since childhood and was always told it was phsoratic arthritous .but was diagnosed about 2 year ago...and yes your right i thought it was something they made ive come to terms with it i try and live each day as it is you know it all depends on how much sleep it allows you to have...and at present im suffering with my feet terribly both in bed and out i can hardley walk with the like everyone else we all deal with it differently...but sometimes i do ask why me
re newbie
hi i have had fibro for 35 years i hurt every where i was in a car accident in 1978 was dianosed at first it was called fibrisites i asked the doctor if he had any thing to read up on all he gave me was a verse fro THE BOOK OF JOB I COPE WITH GODS GRACE 2Corinthans chapter 12
doctors in canada still dont believe and all i here is nothing we can do so i am searching for altenative ways
re newbie
hi i have had fibro for 35 years i hurt every where i was in a car accident in 1978 was dianosed at first it was called fibrisites i asked the doctor if he had any thing to read up on all he gave me was a verse fro THE BOOK OF JOB I COPE WITH GODS GRACE 2Corinthans chapter 12
doctors in canada still dont believe and all i here is nothing we can do so i am searching for altenative ways i trust in GOD I HAVE JUST CAME TO THE POINT last year where i cant work any more
I live in Northern Ontario and finally found a doc that you should try and see. Dr. Collins, Orillia, Ontario, Canada. For me there are 3 big issues that I am trying to cope with. 1. Depression 2. Lack of sleep 3. Pain.
No magic answers but seeing this doctor was soothing. Well worth the long travel to see him.
It was difficult here to find a good doctor too. You have to be relentless :)
so sorry to here but like th uk they dont sure at some point we can cope i dont have an altertive as ive found nothing to ease it my self but hope u can hope 1 day like us all...and if not just have a moan to us,,,i no im here for that dunno bout every 1 else,,,, so just moan away hun ill listen...sometimes i just want that
Hey there ormy, I am glad you found us. This forum will provide you with coping skills and the means of understanding the condition, as well as, giving you a chance to make a bunch of new friends that do understand the pain you feel and want to help. I hope you keep coming here and share your opinions and problems your having, so maybe we can provide answers and keep you smiling more often. Get to it now and start posting and I will look forward to reading and answering your questions. Hope you had a good day. :)
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