
  1. M

    muscle pain relief in Taiwan

    Every now and then, when we're working hard, we hurt our back. It might be from moving a piece of furniture and lifting it incorrectly, or from too much yard work. Often this pain in your back is muscular. While this can often be a painful situation, you should know that it isn't nearly as...
  2. FemaleFibroCEO

    Thanks for allowing me to join! I am a busy CEO of a women owned business

    I feel like I have come girl circle in the last five years with no relief. I have been to GM doctors, chiropractors, rheumatologist, spinal specialist all to no avail. I had a c5/6 spinal fusion in 2011 which shows everything exactly in tact but my body functions seem to be getting weaker daily...
  3. C

    Reach out

    So today I decided to look for a forum that would ease some physical as well as emotional pain. I've suffered with pain more than 1/2 of my life, when I got diagnosed it was like a big weight lifted off of my shoulders, that I wasn't crazy like all of the Dr.'s kept telling me I was. As the...
  4. B

    My Doctor thinks I may have Fibro

    Hi new here and looking for answers....I have been in chronic pain for 5 years now, started out with being thrown off a horse and having a car accident. This ruptured 2 disks and now in Addition I have DDD with severe nerve impingement and spinal stenosis. I have been treated for that long...
  5. T

    What Happened?

    I used to be able to "suck it up" and carry on through enormous pain. Back 10 years ago I had some health issues and was in pain daily but I got up every day got the kids to school went to work as a care aide came home cleaned house etc etc. I even went through the recovery of a complete...