
  1. S


    The fatigue that I experience has been increasing lately. I wake up tired every morning, although most nights I get enough hours of sleep because I take medication nightly that makes me sleep, and always have a sore throat when I wake although that tends to diminish somewhat later in the day...
  2. B

    Seeking Feedback. Fibro, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue or all or none?

    I'm still learning about what is and isn't fibro. Today. I got going okay this morning, I had an early appt, 8:30, but an hour later, I felt dopey tired. By 10 I felt good, into work and then about 12 I struggled to keep my eyes open. By 1 I'm up and off again. (this is bookwork o the...
  3. S

    Knee fatigue

    Hello, friends, Do any of you experience localized fatigue? I can’t think of any other way to describe it. I was fine, went out to walk he dog (15 min). I was in deep snow, and when I came in I felt an odd weakness in my knees and my eyes felt weird. I had this years ago when I started...
  4. cookiebaker

    Pain and Vitamin/Mineral deficiencies

    I recently saw a pain management Nurse Practitioner (NP) to discuss my current medication, and looking for potential nutritional reasons that my pain levels are so high. She ordered a battery of tests to check levels in common pain related vitamin/mineral deficiencies and the results are kind of...
  5. Lollyoarnold

    Muscle Twitching and More!

    I have not been diagnosed with FM but I am thinking I have it. Everyone, including neurologist think it’s all anxiety. (Rolling eyes). Here are my stats: 38 year old female Nurse 2 children: 5 and 8 On Zoloft (2 years) because I am anxious Migraines since 18 years old but treat with over the...
  6. D

    I’m new here

    Just trying to learn the ropes here. I was diagnosed in ‘98 . Took me awhile to wrap my head around diagnoses because I had never heard of it and of course if I hadn’t heard of it then it must not be true lol. I can handle the pain, it’s the fatigue that I can not manage. I feel very worthless...
  7. A


    Fibromyalgia-diagnosed Hello everyone, My name is Athina and i am from Greece. I am 28 years old and recently before a month and a half i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia,afer 5 years of endless running to the doctors for pain in the hands, in my back, in my legs and making all kind of exams...
  8. Y

    Diagnosed in August

    I guess August isn't super recent. I also had a rough experience like most of us here. At 22, no one believes me that I have fibromyalgia. Even the doctor I saw gave air quotes around this condition. I had symptoms since August of 2017 after a severe upper respiratory infection. I never...
  9. MorgueKitty


    Good day or evening, My name is Morgan (or Morg for short), and I am new to the site. I have been living with fibro symptoms for the last 15 years or so. I started noticing the symptoms when I was about 16. It started with random muscle and joint pain, and then went on to include migraines...
  10. S

    Early signs?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
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