
  1. 1sweed

    How To Manage On A Tight Budget With Fibro

    I have always struggled with this issue as lots of times I had to make a choice between eating healthy or going to the doctor or buying medication. With any health plan this is always going to be tough for those of us that live on a very small income. My disability income is less than $500 a...
  2. N

    Terrible Doctor

    My name is Nicole and this is the first time I'm posting on here. I was diagnosed two days ago by a rhumetologist. My pcp has been an NP at a local clinic. The clinic serves Native Americans as well as low income families and because I've been unable to work for about a year due to chronic pain...
  3. Sagey

    Benefits of Probiotics!

    Hi, I was reading about the benefits of probiotics and even my Gastroenterologist recommended them.I started them once again because I was in a flare for about 3 weeks with extreme nausea and digestive issues. I happen to find a brand in Rite aid that was $18.00 and contained Vit d and also...
  4. N

    Making drinks less acidic?

    Hi! I've only recenttly been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and i'm still doing a lot of research on how to avoid flare-ups. I've thrown out a lot of foods and beverages that have been proven to be bad for fibromyalgia patients. I thought I could replace soda drinks with apple juice, but now I've...
  5. P

    Confused and depressed going without medication

    I've had fibromyalgia for 20 years. I've been on many different anti depressants and pain meds since then. About 4 mos ago I decided to get off Paxil and Savella because of the side effects. I went to a natural dr to get relief of pain and depression/anxiety thru food. He put me on a diet...
  6. N

    Symptom Relief with Diet?

    I just heard from my friend that she has fibromyalgia but doesn't take medications to relieve her symptoms. Instead, she changed her diet and her symptoms have improved. She doesn't eat gluten, corn or dairy. I think she does this also because she has celiac, but it also helped with her...
  7. F

    New Member and Fighter of Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I am a new member of this forum and a recently found out from my Neurologist that I have Fibromyalgia. Being 23 and hearing this news, on top of my other auto immune disorders is a little depressing. I was a very healthy, active, happy girl 5 years ago, before weird symptoms...
  8. EllaForgotten

    My personal Topamax story & pain.

    So, I was looking around the web for options to talk to my doctor(s) about with regards to fibromyalgia and ran across a link for Topamax. I was on Topamax over a year ago for neuropathy, and... it has just occurred to me that the pain began to get worse and worse AFTER I stopped taking it...
  9. D

    Interstitial cystitis

    Any one else have this? Any tips for medications that help the terrible pain I get? I know all about the IC diet reducing oxolates and acidic foods and drinking bicarbonate of soda...none of these are effective for me. The burning throbbing pain from the waist down, inside and out is the worst...
  10. M

    Great book

    I'm not trying to sell anything here, well not for personal profit. Anyway I bought a book called Women Living with Fibromyalgia by Mari Skelly. I feel like I want to scream from the rooftops! It's not my imagination! It's real! And all you people that look at me with a lifted eyebrow!!! Please...
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