
  1. L

    Diagnosed Today!!!

    hi everyone, Just got diagnosed today. Honestly always thought this was just a diagnoses doctors give when they dont know whats wrong! I have been a full time waitress for 38 years and just thought the pain was due to that. However the pain is so constant and fierce that I finally had to go...
  2. Y

    Flare-Ups & Work (Ranting)

    I have been having the start (or worsening of) a flare-up for the past three days. It seems like I am always in a flare-up since I was diagnosed a year ago. I work full time as a private security sergeant and go to school part-time. I have been trying for three days to get someone to cover my...
  3. Y

    Diagnosed in August

    I guess August isn't super recent. I also had a rough experience like most of us here. At 22, no one believes me that I have fibromyalgia. Even the doctor I saw gave air quotes around this condition. I had symptoms since August of 2017 after a severe upper respiratory infection. I never...
  4. S

    Early signs?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  5. S

    early onset symptoms?

    hello everyone! i have been tested for lupus twice now, the second time i was also tested for RA. i was also tested for celiac disease, which was high, .1 off from being clinically diagnosed. the results for lupus and RA were negative. however, my body seems off. some of the symptoms that i...
  6. D

    New here

    I was diagnosed in 2006 and things have only gotten worse since diagnosed. Currently seeing a pain doctor who I feel is clueless about Fibromyalgia and wants to try the following treatments on me,some kind of shots in pain areas,which if I do that,then I'll be getting upwards to 12-15 shots...
  7. M

    Fatigue so bad it's painful

    I'm having quite a long bout of fatigue this time around. Even though being recently diagnosed, I've been dealing with this for years. It feels so great to have a long run of energy that I almost forget I'm sick. Until either the pain or crippling fatigue catches up to me. I can deal with the...
  8. A

    Hi from a mum in the UK

    Hi I've been struggling with my health for about 25 years. Specialists have told me it could be RA but I don't have swollen joints. Others have said it's a virus that needs to work its way out of my body. Others have said i have hypermobility as I was a gymnast when younger. Others cite fybro...
  9. Lana


    Anger at..... The pain and the exhaustion. The fibro fog that makes me look like I have Dementia. The longing to go back to work but knowing that its impossible. The feeling of being useless. The days my mind and body fight, my mind wants to do everything and my body says NO WAY!! Fighting to...
  10. M

    Another Newbie!

    Hi everyone, So after years of living with constant pain, I have finally been diagnosed with fibro. Or rather, I was diagnosed a few months back but now it's starting to get real so it's time to climb out of denial. Which is not just a river in Egypt. Haha. I guess I'm looking to connect with...
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