
  1. I

    is it normal for fibro sufferers to have lots of symptoms?

    or do you notice only a few? i get dizzy and nauseous when walking or trying to exercise, swallowing difficulties, muscle and joint pain, restless arm and leg, headaches, brain fog, sleep issues, sensitive to noise, touch, temperature. and horrible feelings of dread. started duloxetine, hoping...
  2. Tipnatee N

    Chilblains have anyone ever got it?

    I know it's the winter illness but with fibromyalgia I suddenly getting them during summer heat . I'm very puzzling by it. When I was living in New Zealand 20 years ago I was diagnosed with this symptom call Chilblain . Chilblain is a very painful burning itchy red swollen on fingers and toes...
  3. I

    So incredibly wiped...

    Our daughter has attended the same child care facility since she was quite young. We were very fortunate, as it was local to the area that we lived, worked and played. The staff were always really great, much like a tight-knit family. We loved how progressive, nurturing and supportive they were...
  4. Sarafina

    Hoarse Throat?? Cold Symptoms?

    Hi Everyone, I've been having a hoarse throat and cold symptoms that seem to come and go. I also sneeze alot more. Almost like I have allergies, but I don't. During the same periods, I seem to have a harder time with swallowing. It feels like my throat is "thick" Anyone have on and off...
  5. G

    It's not all about the pain

    Firstly let me say thankyou for providing such a supportive and informative site. This is the best one I have found so far. My journey with Fibro has been a bit of an unusual one. Having 2 bouts of Ross River Virus left me with CFS which I had thought to have managed reasonably well. However...
  6. T

    Fibromyalgia and Daily Functioning

    Hello, everyone. I was hesitant about joining a support group of any kind, because I felt like it would mainly consist of complaining (on my part), and I didn’t want to annoy people. I finally decided that I was merely being close-minded and that I needed to talk with people dealing with...
  7. V

    Pain Management Tools for Music Practice

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum, I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and myofascial pain. though diagnosed recently I've suffered from this pain most of my life and I was on a waiting list for assessments to be diagnosed for many years as well. During that time I've had many...
  8. E

    I was actually relieved to hear "you have fibromyalgia" !

    I was diagnosed two days ago at an apt. With a new rhumotologist that I showed up at 10 am for 1pm apt! I now know that was fibromya fog! I had almost cancelled, I just didn't think I could get out of bed let alone out of the house into another doctors office trying to explain my symptoms one...
  9. H

    Scary throat issues

    I have been dealing with a throat issue which includes hoarse voice, feeling like I need to swallow often but the throat doesn't feel like it is swallowing normal and sometimes I end up coughing. It is like there is a lump in the throat and the throat is closing up. Also, I have excess mucus...
  10. S

    Hello everyone, new here and hoping to learn lots.

    I was diagnosed about 5 years ago by a rheumatologist, but still not completely convinced I have FM. In the very beginning, I saw an ENT doctor for trouble swallowing, she did blood work and, after solving my swallowing problem, sent me to rheum. because my sed rate was very high. Rheum. said...
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