spring fever

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Active member
Mar 14, 2013
I feel so good even though physically I am at a low point right now. I am fatigued and everything hurts. But it is spring time and it is finally beautiful outside. :-o Is anybody else feeling so uplifted now that spring has finally sprung?
Yes, I am and I am overdoing bigtime. I love flowers and my friends and neighbors are giving me their extra plants. So of course I have to plant them. Got marigolds and lilies, and many I don't know their names but they are pretty. Planed two lilac's in front of the house to provide some shade on my little porch. Planted a asperagus bed and rhurbarb. Now I have to have garden fenced in so I can plant my peas and beans, lettuce and spinach.
Have two pots of cherry tomatoes and I am hoping spring is really here. Oh, but my muscles and joints are killing me. I can't kneel down so I have to bend over then my back gets to hurting bad. Then too I am to tired to cook & write, end up going to bed early. Tonight is one of those nights. I love Spring, but spring fever is hard too stop. lol
Ditto here! Gardening, pulling those weeds, even though it kills me for days (weeks) after! I love the way the garden looks after but hate the way I feel. Don't even get me started on the painting I decided to do inside of the house :-/

Wishing you all well!
We completed most of our big landscaping projects last summer, so I am not too tempted to overdo things. We are under severe drought restrictions. We can only water 2 days per week, and I have no clue which days are ours, so I want to purchase some native, ornamental grasses.

The grape vine is sprouting leaves and I am so glad it is. It was really dry this past winter, so some plants might not come back. Looks like my grape vine is heartier than I thought. There's a little neighborhood stray cat that naps under the vine during extremely hot summer afternoons, and I look forward to peaking at her, or him, while he or she snoozes in the shade.

We'll stack the fountain this Thursday or Friday. Well, actually, the hubby will stack the rocks and stones under my direction. Once the fountain is up, I'm all set for taking breaks, sitting in my sky chair and listening to the fountain.

Life is good.
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