Still reeling...

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New member
Mar 11, 2013
New Mexico
I was diagnosed last month and am still trying to wrap my head around all this. I had always thought Fibro was something the doc diagnosed you with if s/he couldn't figure anything else out. I always thought it was nothing serious, take a pain pill and be done with it. I had no previous knowledge until my diagnosis.

Now I am gathering knowledge as fast as I can read, when my eyes feel like focusing correctly.

Oh, my name is Yvette...
I am sorry to hear that Yvette but you know some things are meant to happen and we need to take it positively. Hey! at least you know what's wrong with you and what you can do to minimize the progress of the disease. We are all here to help you go through this. Be free to ask any question you want and we shall our best to help you out :)
Welcome to the forum Yvette,
I am glad you found this forum. We are all here suffering the same as you and wondering the same in how and why me. Fibro, is more than a few aches and pains. It is an illness that forces you to take it easy and pace yourself. It demands that you slow down and rest often, and try to not get overly stressed. The fatigue makes you feel drained of energy, and sometimes makes sleep difficult. The headaches can be really bad and the muscle pain takes the fun out of most activities.

But there is hope if you can take to heart the suggestions offered here and try some of them to see if they help you. Be sure to read well and take notes. Each newcomer is given some advice to help with the different symptoms they are having, and some of these you might have as well. Try to read some in this section of welcoming newcomers, as well as, in the pain sections as well.

Feel free to ask any questions and give a few answers if you wish. Make yourself at home and post anywhere you wish. I do hope you feel better just knowing your not alone. We are here to help if you need us. Have a good day. :)
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