
  1. VanGogh

    All of those strange stories.....

    A girl falls out of a tree and is cured of her illness. A person get's dental work and then hears radio transmissions. I fell down a flight of steps when my back was out and got up without pain. If any of these stories are true ( mine is ) doesn't it make you wonder what other off the wall...
  2. VanGogh

    Odd update

    I have a difficult time writing short notes. Obviously not a great TWEETER LOL So my doctor ordered a full spine MRI done in 3 parts. The MRI is the newest, latest greatest. The tech was compassionate and said that she would do her best to get the whole thing done in 2 hours or there-a-bouts. "...
  3. M

    My lightbulb moment

    Years ago, and im talking about 25 yrs back, I Had an emergency Dental appoinment, the Dr.( took x rays, proded and looked and could not find anything ), so the only thing he could come up with to get rid of the pain ,was to do a root canel. I had forgotton about that long ago experiance, until...
  4. vickythecat

    what is 'normal' ....

    I am almost 40. And it is only now that I am beginning to learn that many body aches and pains I thought were 'normal' are not normal whatsoever. I've always woken up feeling exhausted, hated going to school because of the early mornings. I thought I'd grow out of it. But it was the same when...
  5. M

    Teeth tooth issues

    So despite my doctors and such, here's the short story - I've had FMS for probably as long as 20 years. In this time I've gone through some serious dental issues, none of which my brothers have (just a background on relatives who don't have FMS at all) I've had serious decay in my teeth to a...
  6. W

    Oral Surgery this week

    I have been so sick lately with this bacterial infection throughout my body that it's really exacerbating all of my symptoms from the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, as well as my other health issues. I was finally able to schedule oral surgery for Wednesday, and I can't wait. Normally I...
  7. L

    I don't know how to proceed from here

    I am a 55 year old female who had a hysterectomy 3 years ago (I still have one ovary). Since September 2015: * 3 level acdf Sept. 2015 with routine recovery * Soon after acdf, started having non-specific but severe tooth pain in my upper left molars. Dental xrays were normal. Tap test was not...
  8. R

    Orofacial complaints

    I have been having pain in my teeth for as long as I can remember. The pain radiates to the gums and sorrounding tissues causing inflammation. I don't attribute it to FM but have learnt that it is related to FM. Oral burning sensations seem to be prevalent in patients with FM which is itself not...
  9. J

    medical malpractice case against dentist !

    Few weeks ago I had a severe tooth pain and I was taken to the dentist . I got my wisdom tooth removed by the dental assistant and was advised that the pain will be fully recovered within two or three days. They didn't even prescribe any pain killers too. It is almost two weeks now and intensity...
  10. Forgetmenot

    Random acts

    oh dear is it the pills or the illness or just me getting old. Not only do I forget everything, I've now started putting thing where they shouldn't go. I made the dog dinner and then put it in the oven , filled the kettle up and put it in the fridge. Then I wrote a e mail to my dr for a repeat...
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