
  1. S

    The exercise thread

    Greetings all, I am starting this thread for all of us. I mentioned starting a thread for encouraging each other to get exercise, and some people responded that they thought it was a good idea, so here it is. We'll see if it turns out to be useful or not. :grin: The idea of this thread is to...
  2. D

    Seeking some guidance in the world of Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone, I am incredibly new to the world of forums, but decided to give it a go after encouragement from my family and friends. I'm 20 years old and have very recently (within the last two weeks!) been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. This accompanies multidirectional and bilateral...
  3. S


    Having struggled with major depression for most of my life, and being at this point severely depressed, I thought that I would open this thread to see if anyone else here is interested in discussion this topic. I am wondering if we can give each other support and even encouragement, or at the...
  4. K

    So much in common

    I have read so many threads and can relate to so much. It is apparent that we all have so much in common yet our experiences can be so personal. It is great to have such a forum, if not to seek out help but to know that we are not alone in our daily struggles. I wish everyone could have a...
  5. D

    Feeling Low

    Any words of encouragement or kindness would be nice....not feeling well...don't want to be a complainer.... but im sick and tired of being sick and tired.....bored and lonely. I am a cat lover and my two ginger boys died of very old age age 17 and 18 in the last couple of years. I saw a...
  6. P


    Hello all. I feel like you are all wonderful people as you are here to help each other and to offer advice and comfort. I am 64 years old and have been diagnosed with fibro since approximately 2010. I have generalized pain, centered mostly in the legs and hips, ribs, and shoulders. I have tried...
  7. R

    Not a death sentence

    Some patients when diagnosed with fibromyalgia go into panic mode and become depressed. This stress is one of the dynamics that accelerates FM. Doctors should give pretest counselling especially to teenage patients who look at it like a death sentence. Post test counselling is also required. The...
  8. T

    Hi, just saying hello.

    Hello, My name is Trista & I'm very thankful to have found a current support group/ forum. I hope I can offer comfort and encouragement to you all and find encouragement for myself as well. I have had Fibromialgia and rheumatoid arthritis (diagnosed) for almost 20 years. This week has been...
  9. M


    The possibility of Lupis hangs in the horizon. My last blood work came back with a high ANA. Which like fibro presents itself as a auto immune disease. There's no cure, but...if caught early enough can help the Medical community decide what meds to use. I've been on a Marithon, google...
  10. S

    Fibro or not?

    For years I've been told I had neuropathy, then pheripherial neuroopathy, and last year Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease. I just saw a new neurologist and he did lots of test, including a MRI of the brain and he's ruled out everything neurological. But, he does think it's Fibromyalgia. I don't know...
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