
  1. A

    Recent diagnosis....sigh.

    Hi everyone, I'm glad to be here not because I'm glad about Fibro but because I'm glad I'm glad to have found a community. I'm 26 years old and have been struggling with pain issues and strange sensations for the last 6 years or so. I had c.difficile in 2012 which seems to have triggered these...
  2. B

    Undiagnosed with Variety of Symptoms

    Hi everyone, I’m a 32 year old male and have been dealing with various symptoms since September 2017 that I can’t seem to get a firm answer. I first started having an aching pain in my left chest in September 2017. I went to the ER and had bloodwork run, an EKG, and chest x-ray that all came...
  3. vickythecat

    Remarks from doctors - that hurt real bad

    Hi, After many years of living as a recluse, I finally started going to doctors and getting referrals to see specialists. From the 1st doctor I went to; while in a full blast panic attack, these are the remarks she made; - "you should start working" (yeah because I finished an ivy league...
  4. F

    26 with fibro

    Hi everyone :smile: I'm Tony, a 26 year old female. I'm not sure when my Fibromyalgia started but I was diagnosed by the start of 2017. I think it's been 8 years (I had wrist pain that spread to my shoulder and neck now all over my body). I'm angry about it one day, and a fighter in another...
  5. Tipnatee N

    Lidocaine lotion is awesome when applying more than once.

    I bought a 4% lidocaine lotion a while back and didn't think much of it at first cause at first layer it didn't seem to help much with my pains. But this week I was experincing lots of knots in my shoulder and upper back and no amount of other stuff help including the strong lidocain patch ...
  6. D

    Face pain eye pain

    Anyone else have daily migraine eye pain sore throat and jaw/facial pain. The only thing i can do is use ice and not talk! Eating hurts voice is now hoarse and the muscles in my throat and into my ears jaw eyes throb all day. This has been what i call a weak area with some flares but...
  7. C

    Saw 2nd Rheumatologist...and even more confused & frustrated

    BLARG! Now that I got that out of my system, I want to first thank you guys for helping me prep for my new rheumatologist. I made notes and she took the time to really talk to me. Well, as well as a doctor can talk to their patients, I guess. Anywho, I guess my real question is about...
  8. C

    Pain gets worse

    I moved up my 1st follow up appt one week because pain is bad. The pain in my ribs is finally gone....and just when I thought things were getting better I developed horrible pain on the right side of my neck, shoulder, wrist, and upper back and the heavy fatigue remains. Holy cow, now I...
  9. J

    Do You Guys Think I Have Fibro?

    Hey guys, I'm new here but was looking to get some insight to see if i do or do not have Fibromyalgia and to help you, i'll provide a little backstory. Im 22 years of age, Male. My father has had this illness diagnosed going on some 10 years now, but has had the symptoms since he was 24 (he's...
  10. Tipnatee N

    Headache ache pressure points pain relieve

    I'm posting this techniques cause I my self with fibro fog sometimes do forget this is what I could do to relieve some pains from migraine, sinusitis, facial aching or some upper neck pains from fibromyalgia. Use the tip of your thumb or other tips of your finger Whatever comfortable for you...
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