How to reduce pain! Sciatica?

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If epsom salt baths help,try taking as much magnesium as you can before getting loose stools. Relaxes muscles. I would think it is fibro causing sciatica. Check out melt method on youtube. Fascia is what is involved and it covers our whole body so that is why we hurt all over.
I have fybromyalgia and and was in alot of muscle pain and stiffness. I just wrote a letter to my doctor describing were my pain is and went in to see him and had him read it and in the end of the letter asked for a muscle relaxer and he gave them to me
Them muscle relaxers took away the pain and stiffness.
What are they?
Agree! Steroids are bad for many reasons. I got avn in my hips from a very short dose.
Thanks for all the input and suggestions, I am looking into it. I think my fibromyalgia makes the sciatica and everything else worse. I think the sciatica is a pinched nerve, that radiates. Can working on the fascia help with joint/bone/disc pain and injuries too? Was the steroids injections or pill that caused avn? That sounds scary, to have that and fm to complicate things
Hi @Lemon,
I have been where you are and still get there more often than I'd like to admit. I went through a *lot* of painkillers which either did nothing or made me sick. I even had morphine tablets, which I certainly do not recommend. Then I saw a specialist who said painkillers won't do anything. Long term the body creates anti bodies and the painkillers lose their effect. I did read up on this site about CBD balm which seems to help. As well as using heat so like a warm bath or shower. Usually that forces the muscles to relax a bit. My hands twitch and my wrists are garbage, I also use wrist supports rather than splints. Not sure if any of this will work for you but figured I'd at least say in case. And you can talk to us on here if you need to, FM can make you feel low. So always good to get it out with those who can understand you :).
I completely agree! Doctors don't really want to help with this, or those who do have no idea how to.
Thanks for all the input and suggestions, I am looking into it. I think my fibromyalgia makes the sciatica and everything else worse. I think the sciatica is a pinched nerve, that radiates. Can working on the fascia help with joint/bone/disc pain and injuries too? Was the steroids injections or pill that caused avn? That sounds scary, to have that and fm to complicate things
FM makes anything you have worse, literally anything. I do hope the advice has helped and that you find something that works.
First, I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time. I know it helps me to talk and share with others that understand. I'm glad you shared! As you most likely already know, each one of us are different and what helps one will not help another. That said, I will tell you a few minor things I have found helpful.
First, heat helps me. I use heating pads intermittently and moist heat seems to help the most with my SI joint pain.

Second: When it flares up, I know it's time to rest. I have to put my feet up. I have to alternate between moving and resting, and heat. No one thing or position works for me so I have to find the combination that will work. This is different according to which part of the body it is and the severity of the symptoms.
I have never had any luck with over-the-counter medications. I had a physician who would prescribe very mild opioids in the past. I found them to only alter the pain in a very minor way. I found them to not be worth the side effects and decided to avoid them. For no more relief they offered, I wanted to avoid the addiction issues.

Third: I tried multiple physical Therapist and was having no luck there as well. Until I located a PT from Poland. He trained and practiced differently from every PT I tried. Every time I visited this PT, I would have almost entire relief from my SI pain when leaving. Unfortunately, I found the pain would return in about one hour. The former multiple PT's I visited, I would never find pain relief, sometimes quite the opposite. I have no way of knowing if all Poland trained PT's practice the same way and may be able to offer you pain relief. Even short-lived relief was a nice change.
I hope you may find something here that will prove useful. One thing I admire, are people that get hit by so many things, and never give up. I guess that pretty much sums up everyone here. We learn from each other and keep moving forward. Wishing you the best and hoping you find something helpful.
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