More disappointing news

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Senior member
Sep 8, 2014
So I had my hearing on November 10th before the judge. My attorney said it would take about a month to get an answer, two, if the court wanted me to see another psychologist which they did so I was hoping I would have an answer any day now so I called Social Security and the woman on the phone told me the average wait time for an answer was 3 1/2 months. She told me not to expect an answer before March 27. When I explained to her that that would put me at late February she told me 3 1/2 months for the decision and a month before I actually get the money if I win. I will be 62 in April so technically I could apply for my regular Social Security benefits now even though I wouldn't get it until June. The problem is I can't apply for it right now because I am waiting for a decision on the disability. I am afraid if I wait until March for an answer and the answer is "no" then I will mess up the timeline for my regular Social Security.
OH Tipbill it doesnt run smooth for you...i was wondering the other day if you had a result as i recalled you said about a month.

Can you ask what happens about your regular social security if the answer is no about disability...there must be a system so you don't miss out.

i feel like we are all on this journey with you and i'm still optimistic it will be a yes! Roll on Spring.
I'm sorry that the SS disabilty application is taking time to process! Unfortunately, a 2-3 month wait for the judge's decision is typical from what I've read on a SSD forum. So don't despair. My gut feeling is that the Judge's decision is very very close at hand. I hope it is very soon.

Did your lawyer inform you when the consultative exam's report was submitted to the judge? And the psychologist's findings? Those might give you a clue in how your case is moving, and perhaps a feel for how much longer it will take.

As to applying for regular SS while waiting for your disability decision, your lawyer or a rep from SS office should be able to advise you on whether or not you can apply simultaneously, and if so, when best to submit the application.

As a side note, my friend reached 66 years of age and full regular SS benefits age last year. It only took about 6-weeks from the time of application for her to receive her first SS benefit check. It was pretty quick.

Hang in there, TipBill. The decision is just around the corner! I'll be hoping for the best. Positive thoughts headed your way! :)
Praying things work out for you.

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