Recently diagnosed


New member
Jan 10, 2024
Hi everyone👋🏻 I was finally diagnosed four months ago after years of going backwards and forwards to the doctor with symptoms, many of which were put down to menopause and or depression.
l knew it couldn’t possibly be that causing my extensive list of debilitating symptoms and persisted until a doctor actually listened and took me seriously.
so don’t give up, you know your body and what you’re experiencing is real.
keep fighting until someone listens even when you think you can’t and want to give up, it’s so hard when you feel so utterly exhausted all the time but a diagnosis makes all the difference, if only to reassure yourself that you’re not crazy as I often felt but more importantly to get treatment that can help, the right medication and support, so to anyone who’s currently fighting the fight for a diagnosis hang in there, somone will listen eventually.
Hi @Aitch

Welcome to the forums. I think you will find pretty much everyone here echoes your experience! I was finally diagnosed in my 60's, think I've had it from 12 yo, maybe as young as 6.

Browse the forums and threads, I'm sure you will find lots of interesting and supportive stuff. Feel free to comment, too, as that's what makes the forums work ;)