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Dec 4, 2015
Hi I am new here.

Has anyone tried low dose naltrexone?

I take 4.5 mg per day. I take it at night.

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When I first went on it, a few months ago, I was euphoric because the pain just seemed to lift!
But with time the pain returned however a little milder. Even with the pain, however, I still feel better. is hard to explain...the fibro fog got better and the depression got better.

So I am clearer and more alert however I do still have moderate pain 24/7.

I am also on trazodone 50 mg for many years for my interstitial cystitis. I can not stay asleep without it. Even with it I get up several times per night.

Having IC and Fibro both is a biatch no?
I also have been getting irritable bowel symptoms. Fun Fun Fun!
And I had endometriosis when I was younger.

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I am a new member and have been coping with fibromyalgia symptoms on and off for years. I am very reticent to try many of the medications currently being prescribed for this condition. I had been on a low dose of Ativan (lorazepam) for sleep for over 10 years and decided to discontinue due to increasing cognitive problems. Ativan withdrawal is like being in hell. Not just a couple of weeks, but months...even years.
I resisted ANY replacement medication, but I became very, very ill. Finally my GP convinced me to try Remeron. I continue to play with the dose, and have found that 3.75 (compounded into a liquid since the lowest available prescribed dose is 15 mgs).
This is where I am now, but am VERY interested in LDN.
I saw this post of yours and wonder if you are still on it, and is it still working?
I recognize this post is not brand new, but I hope you see it.
Thanks in advance. ��
I am interested in LDN too. I have heard about it before as it was originally used to help drug addicts withdraw and i know it has been used for MS sufferers.
Once I finish getting Cymbalta out of my system, I'll be dropping Tramadol for LDN. I've been doing a lot of research and this just seemed to be the right step for me. I'm hoping it will make a difference. Paris, I don't envy the Ativan withdrawal. Cymbalta withdrawal is a nightmare as well.
So is valium withdrawl..hey ho what we have to go through!

Hey Loftpat will your GP prescribe LDN. In the UK i heard it was not available only on private prescription and only from one pharmacy in Scotland...if you know our geography that's another country joined to England although still part of the UK but 600 miles away across the border.

Is it available in US easily?
So is valium withdrawl..hey ho what we have to go through!

Hey Loftpat will your GP prescribe LDN. In the UK i heard it was not available only on private prescription and only from one pharmacy in Scotland...if you know our geography that's another country joined to England although still part of the UK but 600 miles away across the border.

Is it available in US easily?

Hi, my GP doesn't, but the pain clinic does. It has to be compounded since naltrexone does come in the very low doses needed for fibromyalgia. We have several compounding pharmacies where I can get it. It will cost about $30/month, unless I can get my insurance to cover some of it. My GP will continue with the prescription once it is set up.

I actually am familiar with the geography. Have been to Wales and Ireland and London proper. I've a friend from the states living in Scotland who keeps asking me to visit, but I don't think my budget will stretch that far.

I'd do some more research on LDN with our without your doc. You might find its more common than just those two places. :p
thanks Loftpat...yes i will google around a bit. Nice you know our geography well...I don't think i could name all your states! Quite a few but not all of them.

Oh it would be a good trip if you could manage it although Scotland is notorious for colder weather than us in the South of England. If you ever make it come in July or August and hopefully you will see some sunshine.

Please let us know how you get on with LDN...i think every story and every bit of hope for feeling better is soooo valuable. I really hope it helps you.
Loftpat, I have a good friend that just recently discontinued Cymbalta. It was not pleasant at all. For her, the withdrawals only lasted about two weeks. I hope your path is similar.
I have an appointment with a new Rheumatologist at the end of the month. I am hoping to convince her to write a prescription for LDN.
From everything I've read, it won't hurt to try. Not addictive. Few side effects. I'm in. ��
Btw...I'd be very appreciative if someone could tell me where I find the "new thread" option.
Top left of the section you want to post under in bright red
Thank-you so much Willow. I kept looking for the option on an existing thread. Oops.
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