Mucinex Has Reduced my Fibromyalgia pain


Jan 22, 2021
I read in a book by Devin Starlanyl, MD that Mucinex (guafenesin) can help with FM pain. So I tried it & I'm feeling better. I have had FM for over 30 years, have tried every rx & alternative substance you can name, with little to no benefit. I had no expectation that it would help, but I'll try just about anything. To my great surprise & delight, I started feeling better. I am able to walk better, less weaving from side to side, my stride is better. My muscles feel less constricted. I still have pain, especially in the morning, but I have definitely improved. It is suggested that you start with a small dose twice a day, then increase as needed to maximum dose of 2400 mg/day. I am taking 1600-1800 mg/day, split morning & evening. This medication is an expectorant given to people with chest congestion. There is no logical reason for it to reduce pain, but it has helped me.
It is suggested that you start with a small dose twice a day, then increase as needed to maximum dose of 2400 mg/day. I am taking 1600-1800 mg/day, split morning & evening.
Good to hear!
Guaifenesin is another one with only anecdotal evidence, like L D N, and I didn't like the look of it, like L D N, and yet your description is similar to my experience now since Oct 1st with L D N - quite a bit better energy and less stiff, so better walking (yesterday over an hour for the first time in years), less Ache/backlash.

I'm using low/very low start and slow dosing up to keep L D N and CVD meds to only slight short side effects. As guaifenesin is said to worsen first, I would try to counteract that by starting with only 10% of the dose anyone suggests as smallest dose.
Watching out enough for salicylates in my food anyway, that's the other typical problem that can occur.

So what was your starting dose? And did you have the expected worsening, or not?

Devin Starlanyl's book seemed one of the most recommended when i compiled a book list for the forum. "Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Survival Manual (2nd Edition)” ("Fibro Bible") (has fibro himself)". Haven't read it myself tho.

Guaifenesin can be written correctly without getting the post in the moderator queue.
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I tried low does naltrexone for several months, it did nothing for me. I did not experience an increase in symptoms with Mucinex. Everyone is so different in both what may have caused their pain & their reaction to different remedies.
Everyone is so different in both what may have caused their pain & their reaction to different remedies.
Definitely. I think that's encouraging to try lots. Starting (like Arseneau says) with things with most evidence, cheap, easy to get and low risk. But if haven't got anything else to try in that field, then why not with only anecdotal evidence (which he supports as we with fibro haven't got much more than that anyway).

By the way looking around on the wikipedias, guaifenesin is developed as a med from a substance from the guaiac tree used by American indigenous peoples in the 16th century, I've always wondered who thought up that name...
(Similar to aspirin and the willow tree bark: not derived, but chemically similar.)

The German wikipedia is surprisingly neutral in its assessment of use for fibromyalgia, saying the one study done forgot about the individuality and the salicylate problem. The English one doesn't mention that at all. And again only the German one says it increases the effect of relaxants, which to me would after all logically explain how it works, and praps suggest that it works better if we are taking something muscle relaxing, like me with GABA.

(I've also just realized that salicylates are related to aspirin = acetylsalycic acid...
But apparently not near enough for an interaction to be reported from what I've found on the fly... ... drat, another rabbit hole 🐰 / hamster wheel 🐹)
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Thank you for lots of good information.
I’ve been on the quiafenisen protocol for almost 6 months. It is not for the faint of heart. Before starting you must read the book written by Dr. R. Paul St. Amand. It’s very regimented but proven to reverse Fibromyalgia using the generic brand ( only white pill) and not the name brand Mucinex because that contains blue dye.
I have been on the guaifenesin protocol for 5y, with a gap of 6momths when I was pregnant. It was a game changer for me - there's no way I would have tried for a baby before as pain or many symptoms completely out of control. Pregnancy set me back and was hell but I'd say 98/99% of my pain is gone, and many symptoms too. I got a full time job from the first time in 15y, from home - I do the job without actually working full time hours (I'm still not there yet and there's no way I could have a real full time job with commuting).
I still need to go to the chiropractor every week, and to the physio every 3/4 weeks, have regular massages, but the time in between those sessions is comfortable instead of hell and craving the next appointment. Mind me, I'm still not 100%, have regular pain, can't do sports nor chores (etc.) but this treatment moved me from a 24/7 torture and wanting to die to enjoying life and having a baby. So yeah, if you ask me I'd say it's definitely worth it.
Ps: I tried many other treatments like LDN, Cymbalta, psychotherapy, acupuncture, massaging, etc. so can compare
It’s very regimented but proven to reverse Fibromyalgia using the generic brand
This has actually not been proven, or if it has I was unable to find any scientific proof of it. I did find a study on the NIH website that basically says that results are not significant enough to prove it would reverse muscle pain and spasm, although "some benefit" was found, and fibromyalgia is not mentioned. It says a much larger study is required to determine the effectiveness.
(See a section of that below)

If you know of any real, scientific and peer-reviewed, study that proves it is effective for treatment of fibro, please feel free to reference it here - without using any direct links to websites.

Of course, anecdotal information on what has helped any person with fibro is always welcome here. It gives members something to think about and to ask their doctors about.

(This study was for muscle pain and spasm rather than being specifically for fibromyalgia)

A total of 77 subjects were included in the 4 treatment groups. Least squares mean muscle spasm score over 7 days was 1.77 with guaifenesin 1200 mg, 1.42 with its matched placebo, 1.53 with guaifenesin 600 mg, and 1.74 with its matched placebo. Treatment with guaifenesin 1200 mg BID provided 25% greater reduction in mean muscle spasm over its matched placebo and 16% greater reduction than guaifenesin 600 mg BID. These differences were not statistically significant. Based on comparisons of absolute mean values, a consistent directional change in effect was observed, suggesting some benefit from placebo to lower-to-upper doses of guaifenesin with regard to muscle spasm, tension, pain, discomfort, and relaxation. No severe or serious adverse events were reported.


Results suggest the potential for OTC dose of guaifenesin 1200 mg BID to provide symptomatic relief of upper back musculoskeletal pain and spasm. Confirmation of this preliminary result in a larger, adequately powered study is needed.
I purchased and have just began reading Dr R Paul St Amand's book, 4th edition. I have only read the introduction and the first chapter at this point, but I am very impressed with Dr Amand's 6 decades of research and treatment of fibromyalgia, as he describes in the introduction. So far it has been an encouraging and wonderful read, not to mention genuine and sincere. He also credits the thousands of patients he has treated and not treated, as well as groups like ours, for his own edification and furthering his ability to understand and help others. In other words, unlike so many doctors most of us have experienced, he values input from his patients, and is open to new ideas, new pathways of thought, and shutting down false beliefs.
I actually just began the protocol 4 days ago before I received the book based upon mostly information I have read in our group here. I started at just a very small dose of guaifenesin and within a day I had already noticed a difference. Now, I am not going to get ahead of myself and tout the wonders of this treatment at this point, but I did want to share with my friends here that I am reading this 4th edition of this very well-known book among the fibromyalgia community worldwide.
I made a resolution to myself that 2024 was going to be the year where my top priority was being EVEN MORE assertive in addressing the causes, if possible, of my fibromyalgia, rather than treating the side effects alone. As Dr Amand noted, so many of us, including myself, had been medicated to the point of worsening the condition, the syndrome. My first four or five prescribed treatments for fibromyalgia were all antidepressants, and I can tell you without hesitation that they did indeed worsen what was already an unbearable life. I no longer take antidepressants, and I never will again. That is just one example to prove my point about medications and drugging up fibromyalgia sufferers, treating only the side effects, applying a Band-Aid as it were and a very ineffective one at that.
I am excited about 2024 and the possibilities that lie ahead as I continue this journey along with all of you toward freedom and even reversal of fibromyalgia.
I think all of you for your contributions, and most of all for being part of my support community. We are in this together.
Let us know how you get on, I'm tempted to try it with some OTC guaifenesin.
I will @Badger
I am in the process of identifying and removing salicylates in the products that I use, and then I will be working on my guaifenesin dosage to find the right dosage for me. So, it might be a while before my next update, but the book is truly a fascinating read. Even if nothing comes of it, the things I am learning about how my body works is just mind blowing.
Thanks for your response, and I will be back. 🙌
Update on Guaifenisin for FM: After reaching the maximum dose of 2400 mg/day, I began reducing the dose to see if I still felt better with less. I am now down to 400 mg/day & am still feeling much better. This has all been since August of 2023.
I have been on the protocol now for about 3 months, and am up to 1800 mg per day.

I am not sure if I experienced the worsening symptoms or not, which is why I increased my dosages according to instructions. So far, I have not noticed any reduction or reversal of my pain or fibro. But I am going to give it 10 to 14 months, 2 months for every one year of fibro as the protocol States, and at that time make my decision whether or not to continue or just stop. All depends on what happens and how I'm feeling at that point. But so far no joy.

As so many have said, I really wish there was a large study available. 😞
I follow the quiafenisen protocol, which uses the generic form of mucinex. It is very challenging but worth it. You must read about the protocol which is published on-line before beginning. I’ve been on the protocol for almost 10 months now. Slowly getting relief.
I'm happy for your success.
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