In October of 2007 I pretty much went from feeling great, perfectley healthy to feeling extremely tired with both arms and both legs feeling very heavy and weak. They feel like they have weights on them. I am also very dizzy. I just woke up one day feeling this way. I also have had a twitch in my eye since then also which has never gone away. Now it is Feb of 2008 and I am still feeling this way. I don't know what is going on. I'm wondering if this sounds like ALS? Does ALS typically develop slower than that, or is it possible to just wake up one day feeling horrible like that? I have had no falling or dropping things, just a feeling of complete exhaustion. I was tested for mono, EBV virus, and it came back positive with extrememly high numbers. This is my third time having mono in five years. I will be 30 yrs old in April. My doctor is thinking that I may have chronic EBV along with chronic fatigue. I am going to go to see her again to ask if she thinks I should see a neurologist. I'm pretty scared about all of this. What do you all think?