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Jun 11, 2014
hi everyone,
I have not been diagnosed with FM but many other possibilities have been excluded so I'm feeling like I'm getting down to the wire.

I've been browsing a bit and so many of the stories I read are familiar. Today is a good day, but I've had many ups and downs, and it feels like every new downswing hits me harder than the one before.

I have 2 boys ages 10 and 6.5 and I think the birth of my second child triggered me. For a long time I just thought it was the lack of sleep from having a newborn (I was NOT blessed with good sleepers - often not sleeping through the night till 2 or 3 years old!) but now it's starting to be clear it's more than that.

Ive seen a Rheumo and he ran all the test which mostly come back normal. I've had a positive ANA for a while, but others like Sjogrens, RA, etc are negative. I recently found out, though, that he does NOT treat FMS, just "excludes it" so my PCP (thank goodness for him!) has referred me to a neurologist, whom I will see next week. I've had brain MRIs (without contrast though) for headaches and jaw tremors, and no report of MS lesions, but they were not looking for that specifically.

The not knowing is what is so frustrating, as I'm sure you all understand. I've sometimes wonder if it's all in my head, but then I get some aches, or notice how much weaker my muscles have gotten, and I realize it can't be.

Anyways, I hope to learn more and find some support here, until FMS is excluded or after if it's confirmed!

Thanks and have a great day
Scarletotter, Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Even if you are diagnosed, what I've found is that I've developed more auto immune issues even after I was diagnosed with fibro. I think the main thing to remember, and has been confirmed as I continue to read and interact with the women and men on the site.....There is life after fibro, colitis, chronic fatigue, migraines, etc. It's the journey and acceptance and how you choose to get there that I'm learning. Welcome to the site....Poke around. There's a lot of good information and suggestions. Some trial and error, but makes for good dialog... :)
Thank you for your kind words. I've been looking around for a forum/online support group, and I love what I see here. It feels very supportive and comfortable. Your welcome just confirms it!
I'm very glad. Welcome aboard.... :)
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