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Jul 18, 2014
Hi everyone. So this is my story. My symptoms started when I was 15. About 2 years later I was diagnosed. How it has affected me the most has been in school. In highschool I had pretty understanding teachers. My English teacher even excused me being late for a month so I could take physical therapies on the morning.

But collage was a whole different thing. I tried to enter Vocational Rehabilitation program but they said I didn't qualify. So when I was at collage, I wasn't given any accommodations for my conditioned because I was not considered "disabled". The pain sometimes gets unbearable, and I had to skip class some days. But I was not excused, even with a doctors note. Because many people abuse the system and buy fake doctors notes, only students with a confirmed disability get accommodations if the need to skip classes or go early. Also my school only had a locked elevator and only students from the Rehabilitation program got the keys. My classes where by trimester, missing more than a couple meant that I was getting behind and felt miserable.

I ended up dropping out and enrolling on a much smaller school with a more laid back pace, and I finished a 1 year certificate in Photography. But I wish I could finish my bachelors and I'm scared to go back to school because I felt horrible both body and mind when I was studying and I feel better know.

One of the bigger struggles for me was not physical but mental. It was the depression of not knowing what was wrong with me for 2 years, then the stress of performing well in school while I was in physical pain. It's the frustration of not being able to be as active as some of my friends, of feeling like my mind wants to do more but my body doesn't always follow.
I totally know how you feel! Sometimes the mental aspect is the most difficult to cope with, I still have a hard time trying to deal with my own fears and insecurities surrounding my health condition. If you really feel you should go back to college then you should, this disease shouldn't stop us from doing what we have or want to do. If you do go back I truly hope this time you get accepted in the Vocational Rehabilitation program. Best of luck!
I want to go back, but I'm looking at my options as I don't want to go back to the same school, with the same teachers, it just reminds me of the bad experience and makes me feel like a failure. And I want somewhere that I can keep most of my credits so I don't have to start over from zero.
My symptoms started a several years ago, but was recently diagnosed. My symptoms started from abuse from my son's father. The abuse has affected me in so many ways, my health, not being able to work due to the Fibromyalgia and Degenerative Disc Disease, and my very way of life. I'm constantly tired and in pain. It makes it very hard to keep the house clean and take care of an Autistic child, but I push through, the love and support my son gives me is all I need.
My symptoms started a several years ago, but was recently diagnosed. My symptoms started from abuse from my son's father. The abuse has affected me in so many ways, my health, not being able to work due to the Fibromyalgia and Degenerative Disc Disease, and my very way of life. I'm constantly tired and in pain. It makes it very hard to keep the house clean and take care of an Autistic child, but I push through, the love and support my son gives me is all I need.

You are a strong women. My little brother has mild autism and when he was little he was kinda difficult to take care of so I can imagine what you must be going through. Your sun is lucky to have a brave, dedicated loving mom like you.
Hi mariee, The most important thing is your health, I know because for years I pushed my self at work and ended up in the Hospital over and over again. When you do go back take care of yourself, and if you need to take time off do so. I know alot of people don't understand but to heck with them. Your health comes first. Take care
Hi mariee, The most important thing is your health, I know because for years I pushed my self at work and ended up in the Hospital over and over again. When you do go back take care of yourself, and if you need to take time off do so. I know alot of people don't understand but to heck with them. Your health comes first. Take care

Thanks. It's hard dealing with the people that don't understand, specially when they are the people you love like your parents. I think part of the reason I pushed myself while I felt miserable was because I didn't want to disappoint them. I'm glad I found this forum, this place where we can support one another.
I want to go back, but I'm looking at my options as I don't want to go back to the same school, with the same teachers, it just reminds me of the bad experience and makes me feel like a failure. And I want somewhere that I can keep most of my credits so I don't have to start over from zero.

I can completely understand! There are places and people I never want to see again because they remind me of really bad things. That's something we can't help, we as humans create that kind of anchors. Don't worry, things must fall into place, if you do go back just try to focus on your goal and what you dream to get in the future, that always helps :)
I can completely understand! There are places and people I never want to see again because they remind me of really bad things. That's something we can't help, we as humans create that kind of anchors. Don't worry, things must fall into place, if you do go back just try to focus on your goal and what you dream to get in the future, that always helps :)

My dream is to work as a graphic designer and commercial product photographer, then someday own a small advertising agency that offers those services and more.
That's a wonderful dream! I know it is hard to live and deal with fibro every single day, but I know it is possible to make your dreams come true despite this. If you really want to do this one day, then you must really try it, Marie! You are still very young, make the most out of that, the more you think about it the less likely you are to do it. I'm talking from experience, nothing worse than living a life wonder how things would have been if I had pursued my dreams.
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