Thanks for the replies. I'm feeling okay today (Monday).. as okay as I get, anymore it seems. Though I'm having PMS now which makes everything worse, including the muscle pain. Usually when PMS is gone, the muscle pain goes to more of a background level, which is good.
I've been thinking about the Cymbalta all weekend, talked to a good friend, and I think I'll give it a try. Though this coming weekend I have a 9ish hour drive each way to a dog show and I don't want to start a new med before I go, so will try it after I get back. Though my March is packed full with stuff, too, going out of town twice in March. Love doing the dog sports and I refuse to let this keep me from it. It's my passion and my joy. I use positive and motivational training methods and just love interacting with the dogs. I've fortunately never had depression, but I've suffered anxiety all my life. Was a super super shy kid, could hardly talk to people. Now I still have a lot of anxiety with people, social anxiety, but since I love the dog stuff I don't let it hold me back. But, I'm much better interacting with dogs than with people.

I also have general anxiety and work anxiety.. if that's a real thing, which it should be. :?
I was at a dog event yesterday all day. Back was killing me, taking Ibuprofen takes the edge off so that's kinda good. I also have to make sure I eat on a regular basis or I just crash and feel even worse.
I also have some other conditions.. I have Keratoconus in my eyes (my corneas are thin and misshaped), I have Mitral Valve Prolapse in my heart, and Interstitial Cystitis in my bladder. I really wonder if there's something behind all this, autoimmune or connective tissue disorder. I asked my GP and she didn't really respond. I know there's a lot of stuff the medical community doesn't understand yet, maybe all this is part of it.
I would love to avoid stress... but that is hard now. I am so lucky, I'm 45 years old and can potentially retire this August. My husband and I have it all planned out. I have worked for my employer for 25 years and should get a full pension. So this is causes me much stress, even though that may be weird. Also, I'm a programmer at work, and my brain fogs lately have really put a damper on my ability to work, which also stresses me out. And we have started on a brand new software and I am having a really, really hard time grasping the concept. So I'm afraid and anxious every day of work. And I just keep counting down the days until I can retire, then my coworkers won't have to put up with me anymore.
Sorry for the ramble. I haven't even told my parents about this, not sure if I should, or will... they are the type that work through falling down sick, never letting anything stop them. I'm not quite so bad... I take days when I need them. Even though I play hard with my dogs, I also rest hard as well, and try to take it as easy as possible whenever I can.
My husband is very supportive, though. He came with to the doc to help me talk. I get so afraid at the doc. My friend said she's like a deer in the headlights, and that's me exactly. I go to the doc and my whole brain just shuts down.
So anyway that's my story so far. If you are interested in watching me and my dogs do our fun stuff, I have a YouTube channel.
Yesterday my dog and I had an awesome obedience run... obedience is super hard to train, and really fun and challenging, especially since I don't use those awful ear pinches or any pain on the dogs. I want him to have fun, and I think he was having fun yesterday.