Kidney Stones....really !

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Active member
Mar 16, 2015
British Columbia
About six weeks ago I was treated for a kidney infection with antibiotics - lots of pain, ugh. It helped, thought it was over.

Spent a good part of yesterday in the ER (darn clinics were all closed for the STAT holiday) - happened on the same doctor I had seen before. An xray later and you can actually see a couple of stones travelling down the urethra. Explains a lot - but the pain is incredible.

I have heard folks compare kidney stones to child birth - huh - done that three times, this is very painful but child birth was worse (more intense, though shorter & at least you get a reward !). There might be something to child birth amnesia as well...

Anyway, drugged up with antibiotics and some drug that is supposed to relax the tube so the stones can pass. This must have been what I had before, only not as bad (?no xray last time?). Also waiting on an ultrasound to check my kidneys, which are probably swollen from the blockage (they certainly hurt, I know EXACTLY where they are).

The kicker - because of the STAT holiday, a nurse put me in a bed in day surgery, next to emergency since it wasn't being used. I could have been seen in an hour & a half but finally at FOUR hours I hit the call button and they realized they had overlooked me. UGH! Well, I pretty much slept most of the time anyway...too tired & sore to be too annoyed.

This morning I am a wreck after 10+ hours of restless sleep...gonna be a long week.
There are lots if genetics conditions invloving kidney stone problem . Both of my family side inherited them so I had stricted diet when I was young included the old working remedy recipe involving the alum mineral salt rock stuff cucumber then boiled and drink the juice . It works very fast but yucky taste. I rather not again.

I'm actually not suprise at all to have vitamin D deficiency , calcium lost problem , and high acid.

I'm so sorry you have to suffer through it :sad: , XOXO Please rest your body as much as you can.

I get small amount coming out once a while and I got used to the usage of caterthe to extracting the stone my self cause while I were in those hospitals I got lots of training , I also had to stock up lidocaine medical lube and keep a side preparation h product to ease the burn. It's no fun at all having to deal with them so often. And yes knowing where they are are probably the worst feeling ever. I hate hospital .
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Ok scrap that - not kidney stones - had an ultrasound and turns out I have duodenal ulcers (kidneys look good). Going for a scope. Tired of the pain.

Now I'm supposed to reduce/stop drinking coffee.........................really. Not sure I can funciton without coffee.
Ok scrap that - not kidney stones - had an ultrasound and turns out I have duodenal ulcers (kidneys look good). Going for a scope. Tired of the pain.

Now I'm supposed to reduce/stop drinking coffee.........................really. Not sure I can funciton without coffee.

That's better, good luck Northenelf
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