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New member
Aug 3, 2014
Hi there!
I'm 41 years old and have lived with Fibromyalgia for 8 years. Does it deserve a captial F?

I feel a bit shamed for not joining a forum until today. If I'd have listened to Mom, I would have joined years ago. I came for a commonality, as well as different aspects, advice and to gain understanding of this disease a little more everyday. However, I've recently and suddenly realized that I may also be of help to others who suffer from Fibro. So I've signed up, with the user name DailyChallenge because it CERTAINLY is.

Judging by my appearance, you'd never know I had such a severe case. I appear young for my age and even in pain, I do my best to care for myself in order to stave off depression and other issues that bring me down as much as fibro does all by itself. My optimism is still steadfast although I have regressed with each year, all the while believing I can only get better. I still have faith.

I had no idea that fibro could cause a myriad of other medical issues as time goes on. I am aware that some sufferers are actually in remission and hope with all my heart, that I may be there someday too.

In 2001, I began to experience migraines and fogginess. Fatigue would follow and by the middle of 2006, I was unable to continue to function past 3:00 pm. And my days would drag. I had full body pain, burning sensations and weak joints. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia after years of multiple tests and doctors. A classic story, I think.

I didn't want to believe it because I am so in tuned with my body and in my mind, bodies react with pain to tell us that it's time for a change in some way or another. Fibro was not a satisfying explanation for the pain and symptoms I was experiencing. Something had to be dreadfully wrong. Fibro was for people that don't treat their bodies well, that are not aware of their surroundings, the chemicals they use, the foods they eat and the way they manage their stress among other things. Fibro was an excuse diagnosis. As so many still believe today.
I've always been active, I am very aware of my surroundings and I manage stress so well, that perhaps it really is a problem! It took quite some time to get me to believe that I indeed suffer from fibromyalgia. :roll: My health determines my day the moment I wake in the morning and it's so unpredictable, that it can strike in the middle of the grocery store with no warning. I suffer every single day from this disease. Although it does NOT define me, I have learned to let it control me. I've accepted that I have to live as gently as possible and be prepared for the worst at every moment, yet stay optimistic. That's crazy tricky.
One indicator of fibromyalgia over a long period of time is my immune reaction. New studies are in the works, but I firmly believe that it is indeed an auto-immune disease because I have watched myself lose immunity throughout the years to different degrees.

My biggest problem currently (other than pain and normal symptoms) are allergies. I have never had allergy issues in my life. Suddenly over the past two years, I react to EVERYTHING. It's like my body has slowly decreased immunity with every passing day. As a child, I lived with my parents and sister in a nice house set in the woods with acres of land. I couldn't experience that now, because I have become allergic to pine. Along with many other tested allergens. (Cats, grass, boxwood, cedar, mold, oak...) My entire allergy medical document is highlighted with allergens I reacted to positively. I receive allergy shots every week, take Clariten everyday (along with fibro meds) and benedryl. Everyday. If I'm driving behind a truck that has noticeable exhaust, I get a migraine. If I visit downtown, I get a migraine from all the beautiful trees, bushes and flowers. Even WITH my meds. I react to hair product, lotions, perfumes cleaning agents...All of which I have slowly shed from my existence. It aggravates my fibro (as all other symptoms do and then they play off one another) and BOOM, I'm incapacitated, in bed, fighting pain from head to toe. I love my home because it's become my life. Although I do get out, I try to keep it to a minimum so that I can reduce terrible flare up's. I am an active, single Mommy with a 12 and 9 year old and I take it more seriously than I imagined I ever could. I seldom socialize. It's difficult to keep up. And I may cause confusion for others when I am so engaged on one day and totally disengaged the next. It's a much bigger problem than most people are capable of understanding.

I have a long story. I have many things to say. I have a lot of advice and lots of questions. How can I put 8 years of fibro into a welcome thread? I certainly won't try. If you have read this far, you are not thinking "Oh my gosh, get to the point" and clicking your back button. Maybe I would have. High five, let's see how we can further assist one another. I'll come back as often as I can with bits of information until I'm a respected regular. :wink:

Peace and Blessings to you all!
Re: Eight. Years. Of. Pain.

Thank you for your post.Welcome here!Hope you will feel comfortable.Will be waiting to hear more from you.
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